Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1586

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1 2 Advertiseme7its,

By Henry Mayers Hyndman


With Portrait. 8vo. 15^-. net.

Athenaeum — "Mr. Hyndman has written a book which is not only of great interest to the general reader who seeks amusement, but also of permanent value to the student of English political history. It is amongst other things a remarkably interesting retro- spect of English society and politics during the last forty years, and its pungency and out-spokenness give it a most refreshing flavour."

Morning: Post — The book is Interesting and delightful in its story of the full life of a vivacious and generous soul."


8vo. i^s. net.

Times. — "Whatever Mr. Hyndman writes is good reading ; and this is even more the case with his Further Reminiscences than with his former autobio- graphical volume. The fact that the writer has lately celebrated his seventieth birthday seems only to make him livelier and younger than ever."

Atlienaeum. — "Mr. Hyndman's second volume of reminiscences is of little less interest to the general reader than its predecessor, and is likely to be of more value to the student of our politics. The attempt to get an account of any but the most prominent move- ments of the 'seventies and 'eighties of last century is almost hopeless, and it is therefore specially useful to have a record of modern Socialists from one who has been connected with them from the first."