Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/498

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The President of the United States has an annual salary of 75,000 dollars, with an additional allowance of 25,000 dollars for travelling expenses; and the Vice-President 12,000 dollars.

Since the adoption of the Constitution the offices of President and Vice-President have been occupied as follows:—

Presidents of the United States.

Name From State Term of Service Born Died
George Washington Virginia 1789-1797 1732 1799
John Adams Massachusetts 1797-1801 1735 1826
Thomas Jefferson Virginia 1801-1809 1743 1826
James Madison Virginia 1809-1817 1751 1836
James Monroe Virginia 1817-1825 1759 1831
John Quincy Adams Massachusetts 1825-1829 1767 1848
Andrew Jackson Tennessee 1829-1837 1767 1845
Martin Van Buren New York 1837-1841 1782 1862
William H. Harrison Ohio March-Apl. 1841 1773 1841
John Tyler Virginia 1841-1845 1790 1862
James K. Polk Tennessee 1845-1849 1795 1849
Zachary Taylor Louisiana 1849-1850 1784 1850
Millard Fillmore New York 1850-1853 1800 1874
Franklin Pierce New Hampshire 1853-1857 1804 1869
James Buchanan Pennsylvania 1857-1861 1791 1868
Abraham Lincoln Illinois 1861-1865 1809 1865
Andrew Johnson Tennessee 1865-1869 1808 1875
Ulysses S. Grant Illinois 1869-1877 1822 1885
Rutherford B. Hayes Ohio 1877-1881 1822 1893
James A. Garfield Ohio March-Sept. 1881 1831 1881
Chester A. Arthur New York 1881-1885 1830 1886
Grover Cleveland New York 1885-1889 1837 1908
Benjamin Harrison Indiana 1889-1893 1833 1901
Grover Cleveland New York 1893-1897 1837 1908
William McKinley Ohio 1897-1901 1844 1901
Theodore Roosevelt New York 1901-1909 1858 ——
William H. Taft Ohio 1909-1913 1857 ——
Woodrow Wilson New Jersey 1913-1917 1856 ——

Vice-Presidents of the United States.

Name From State Term of Service Born Died
John Adams Massachusetts 1789-1797 1735 1826
Thomas Jefferson Virginia 1797-1801 1743 1826
Aaron Burr New York 1801-1805 1756 1836
George Clinton New York 1805-1812 1739 1812
Elbridge Gerry Massachusetts 1813-1814 1744 1814
Daniel D. Tompkins New York 1817-1825 1774 1825
John C. Calhoun South Carolina 1825-1832 1782 1850
Martin Van Buren New York 1833-1837 1782 1862
Richard M. Johnson Kentucky 1837-1841 1780 1850
John Tyler Virginia March- Apl. 1841 1790 1862
George M. Dallas Pennsylvania 1845-1849 1792 1864
Millard Fillmore New York 1849-1850 1800 1874
William R. King Alabama 1853 1786 1853