Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1012

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Public debt, 1919, 359,881,200 marks, incurred almost entirely on rail- ways and telegraphs, and other works of public utility.

Production and Industry. — Saxony is, in proportion to its size, the busiest industrial State in the Empire, rivalled only by the leading industrial provinces of Prussia. Textile manufactures form the leading branch of industry, but mining and metal working are also important.

In 1919, of the total area, 2,285,507 acres were under cultivation, viz. : — 1,792,506 acres (78'43 per cent.) arable; 453,836 acres (19'86 per cent, meadow; 24,092 acres (1'05 per cent.) pasture and 15,073 acres (0*66 per cent.) lying fallow ; besides 932,454 acres underwood, of which 415,583 acres belonged to the State (1913).

Areas under the chief crops in acres "and the yield in metric tons (of 2,204 lbs.) in 1919 :— wheat, 149,058 acres (129,075 tons); rye, 477,718 acres (329,270 tons) ; barley, 73,018 acres (44,876 tons) ; oats, 367,173 acres (258,816 tons) ; potatoes, 230,852 acres (947,091 tons). The census of live stock taken in December, 1919, showed 156,901 horses, 712,336 cattle, and 350,817 pigs.

The following shows the mining statistics for rive years : —

Coal Mines

Other Mines



No. of Mines


Production in metric tons Value in 1,000 i marks Coal ! Lignite

No. of Mines 1


Pro- duce in

1,000 marks

No. of



Pro- duce in

1,000 marks

1914 1915 1916 1917 191S

92 89

88 86 82

30,610 24,707 23,648 29,477 32,148

4,741,776,6,262,267 4,206,045,6,658,462 4,186,53816,534,079 4,79:i,519!6,330,057 4,625,218|6,741,23J

79,364 77,483 87,800 126,676 I63,6o9

21 23 25 34 39






1,164 1,974 4,234 6,222 8,829

113 112 113



31,500 25,488

24,467 SO. 646 33,828

80,528 79,457 92,094 131,898 172,518

1 Exclusive of mines not worked.

In 1918-19, 249 breweries produced 29,451,904 gallons of beer; and in 1918-19, 180 distilleries produced 599,868 gallons of pure alcohol.

In 1918 there were 365 savings banks having to the credit of their depositors at the end of the year, 134,215,300/.

References concerning Saxony.

Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir den Freistaat Sachsen. Dresden. Annual. Staatshandbuch fur den Freistaat Saohaen. Dresden. Zeitschrift des Sachsisehun Statist. Landcsamtes. Dresden. Since 1855. Gemeinde- und Ortsverzeichnis fiir das Konigreich Sachsen. Dresden, 1904. Baedtker's Sachsen. Leipzig, 1920.

HichUr (P. E.), Literatur dor Landes- und Volkskunde*des Kdnigreichs Sachsen. Dresden, 1909.

Sehmaler (.YL), Das KBnlgrelch Saohsen. Leipzig, 1916.