Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1083

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governor, appointed by the King upou the nomination of the minister of colonies. Immediately under the governor is the secretary-general for civil and political affairs, and the commander of the forces. To the secretary- general belongs the duty of organising and supervising the civil administra- tion within the civil zone. In both provinces natives have equal rights with Italians, and in each there is a small local parliament elected by all citizens.

Governor of Tripolita nia. — LuL

Govemor 0/ '. — Giacomo De Martino (1910).

Area and Population. — The entire area of the territory is estimated at about 406,000 square ■ >rdiug to a census taken on August 3, 1911,

there were 523,176 natives, of whom 29,761 were in Tripoli town. It is estimated that the total population is about 6 millions, of whom some 30 per cent, are Arabs, 40 per cent. Negroes, 23 per cent. Jews, and about 10 per cent. Europeans. The civil European population numbers 10,000 or 12,000, mostly Maltese and Italians. Arabic is generally spoken, and both Italian and Arabic are the official languages. The principal towns are on the coast, Tripoli, with 73,000 inhabitants, Benghazi with 35,000, Derna with 8,000 inhabitants, and Horns; inland are the caravan halting places Ghadames, Murzuk, and Ghat.

Justice - 1 n both districts justice is administered by Mahommedan or rabbinic tribunals, and by regional tribunals, presided over by civil magis- trates who I by Italian or Mussulman assessors according as the cases concern Italians or native subjects. In civil and commercial matters the laws of the Koran or the Talmud are in force for natives; and in penal matters, the judicial law of Italy holds good. The Court of second instance is the Assize Court, which deals with more serious cases. The Royal Court of Appeal for Libia held its first session in December, 1912.

Finance. — Rw the financial year 1920-21 the revenue and expenditure of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica were estimated at : Colonial revenue, 24,086,000 lire; State contribution, 55,499,210 lire; extraordinary revenue, 47,610,800 lire; total revenue, 127,196,010 lire. Civil ex}>eiiditure, 38,241,210 lire; military expenditure, 41,344,000 lire; extraordinary expenditure, 47,610,800 lire : total expenditure, 127,196,010 lire.

Defence. — The military force in Tripolitania consists of 1,030 officers and 25,200 men (9,120 natives and 16,080 Italians); that in Cyreuaica of 540 officers and 17,370 men (10,550 natives and 6,820 Italians).

Production and Industry. — Tripolitania has four zones, the first of which, along the sea, is covered with palm, olive, lemon, and fruit trees. The second is formed by the highlands of Gebel and Tarhuna; the former has olive groves and palm and fig trees, while cereals and saffron are also grown. The country, however, is rather barren. The Tarhuna land U rich in esparto grass. The rest of the second zone, which in- cludes the hills of Mesellata and Bondara, as well as numerous valleys, is most fertile, and olive trees are abundant. The third zone consist* chiefly of oases and is rich in palms. The oases (of which Ghadames is the most important) are some distance apart. The fourth zone is covered with palms, tigs, vines, and almonds.

In Cyrenaica, olives and cypresses predominate. Pasturage is abundant and cattle could be bred on a vast scale. Bananas are grown at Derna. Barley is the chief food of the people.