Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1105

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coined are as follows :— Gold coins (20, 10, and 5 yen piece*), silver coins (50, 20, and 10 sen pieces), nickel coin (5 sen piece*, and bronze coin* (1 sen and 5 rin pieces). The sen is the hundredth part of a yen, and the rin it the tenth part of a sen. The gold coins are '900 fine, and the silver coins "800 fine. The gold coins formerly issued (20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 yen pieces) are used at double their face value. The dhe-yen silrer *oin formerly issued is with- drawn. The old copper 2, 1 and | sen pieces, aia used as formerly.

The Kin = 160 >» ,, Kuan = 1,000 ,, i> ■ ■

,, Shaku (10 sun) ,, Ken — 6 shaku „ Ch6 - 60 ken „ Mi = 36 --Ad ., Ri t<\. ,, Ch6, Ian<l uv i ,, Koku, liquid .. dxx To, Hquid=-iV koku >, .> dry The metric system was mad* obligatory by The following rates are recognised :—

metre =33 shaku.

gramme = 0*26667 ntommc (-ft Momm)

1 323 lb. avoirdu]

,, 1 193 inch. 1 931 inches. 5*950 feet.

r ' 5 mile, 5*4229 chains. 241 mil

- 39 '< 033 gallons.

- 4 *9629 bushels.

- 3 9703 gallons. = 1*9851 peck.

a law passed in March, 1921 •

Diplomatic Representatives. 1. Of Japan in Gkeat Britain.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. — His Excellency Baron Gonsuke Hayashi. Born in 1861. (Appointed May 27, 1

Councillor. — Mf-tsuzo Xaj-ai C.B E.

Pint Secretary. Shigem Yoshid*.

d Secretaries. — Hiroshi Saito, and Ken Asaoka.

Third Secretaries. — Kosaku Tamura, Hajime Matsumiya, Kanekazn Okada, and Seijiro Yoshizawa.

Attaches.— Suemasa Okamoto, Kivoshi Yamagata, and Katsu*aboro Sasaki.

Xaval Atta'he'. — Captiin Seizo Kobayashi, C.B.

Military Attache". — Major-General Matsuo Iramy.

Financial Attache". — Kengo Mori, C. H.

Chancellors. — Akira Tajima, Asanosuke Kimura, and Hikogoro Yunoki.

Consul-General in London. — Takahashi Xakamura.

There are Consuls at Glasgow, Liverpool, and Middlesbrough.

2. Of Great Bbitai:

N" J A? AW.

Sir Charles N. E. Eliot

Ambassador and Consul- General. — Rt. Hon. K. C.M.G., C.B., appointed September, 1919. Counsellor. ~ 'H. Gurnev, C. M.G.

Secretaries.— L. C. Collier, J. H. S. Birch, and J. L. Dodds. Xaval Attache. — Captain John P. R Marriott. C.M.G. Military Attache:— Brigadier-General C. R. Woodrotfe, C.M.G Japanese Counsellor. — H. G. Parlett. Commercial Counsellor.— &. T. F. Crowe. C.M.G.