Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1119

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teudeiu Moiiiovia, the cap jiupulatiou of 6,000. It id on. coast, the others bei; Robertspon unt),

Gr<reuvil! e (Sinoe), Nana Kru. Kablaki (river p are Robertsport, Roye Whiteplains, Boporo (native) Upper Buchanan and Edina.

ul, has. iii - i, an estimated

atry along the 350 miles of

Saywolu (river port).

bfarshall (Junk), Grand Bassa, River Cess,

Saostown, Grand Cess, Harper (Cape Palmas),

ralla, and Webbo (river port). Other towns

I, Arthington, Carey- 'burg,

Rocktown (native', Philadelphia. Cuttington,

Religion and Instruction. — The Americo-Liberians are all Protestant (Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, or Methodist). There are several American ns at work and one French Roman Catholic. The Government educational system is supplemented by mission schools, instruction being given both to American and to native negroes. In 1910 the Government had 113 elementary schools with 122 teachers and 4,100 pupils. There are 87 mission schools and about 3,000 pupils. The mission schools give industrial training. The Methodists have a college at Monrovia ; the Protestant Episcopalians a high school at Cape Palmas and 3 other impor- tant schools. The Government has a college with (1916 3 professors and 20 students. A criminal code was enacted in 1900 ; the customs laws were codified in 1907.


dollars) : —

-The revenue and expenditure for 5 years (in American






Revenue .


ars 618,809


Dollar* 531,500 531,500

Dollars 273,3CS 963,861

Dollars ••MM



The customs duties for 1916-17 were 163,634 dollars ; for 1917-18 they were 164,623 dollars : and for 1918-19, 242,134 dollars.

In 1912 an international loan of 1.700.000 dollars was raised, secured by the Customs revenue, rubber tax, and tax on native labourers shipped from Liberia. The administration of the Customs is in the hands of a Customs Receivership ; the Governments of Great Britain, France, and the United aate a Receiver. British financial interests preponderate in the loan. It is further provided that for the security of the revenue a frontier police force sufficient for the maintenance of peace in Liberia shall be established, and that the United States shall designate trained military officers to organise the force. In 191 S, 72.207 dollars were spent on the force.

On September 30, 1918, the total debt was 2,131,700 dollars, i.e. 1,608,000 dollars refunding loan of 1912, 423.128 dollars internal floating debt ; 84,603 dollars due to Bank of British "West Africa Limited ; and 15.969 dollars owing by post office to money-order bureau.

Defence, lor defence every citizen from 16 to 50 years of age caj»able of bearing arms is liable to serve. The organised militia, volunteers, and police number about 5,000.