Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1168

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I ifaM nf artillery 4 field companies, 1 railway and telegraph

rsorofficetVoarSJ" of 3S 6,870 were European, and 6,500

TO^w^r-^ — ■« f »" 1921

  • m Thf No th«ffi Na S v1' d r t he East Indies nun.bers 187 officers a,,,!

vain'rS' 1 t 73 e En C r°oPia N nd V 8 y h C m ployed for civil service MM. Production and Industry.

beans, 391,577 ; and other sc-on-la.y crops, 1.3«,9o2 , mi e ar cane, w, tobacco, 245,795 ; indigo, * M* TlffiS"^©' afforded opportunity to

private energy lor 0Dtainin o w<isw, „ re atly increased, as well

for seventy-five years private ag "culture 1 las i eauy JJ^ ^

in Java as in the Outposts. In 1919 iwe e ceuea on i /

Government to 891 Companies and ^P™"-^^ T 845,469 acres. In Orientals, 62,882 acres ; to 6 natives, ^,073 acres total, l,*w, of

1919, the lands now the 'P"^,, ^^ a f d 1,786,957 aox* 4,603,690 acres, of which 2,8lt,7dd acies wert, iu o«» ,

in the Outposts.