Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1179

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With the exception of bananas, plantains, and yucca or cassava, the greater part of the food supply of the eastern section is imported from the United States. The western half of the country produces much of its own food, and occasionally exports small quantities of beans, corn, cheese, lard, and sugar to the neighbouring Republics.

The forests contain mahogany and cedar, which are largely exported, many valuable timber trees, dye-woods, gums, and medicinal plants. They are worked both from the Atlantic and Pacific.

there are 1,200,000 cattle in Nicaragua.

There are several gold mines, worked by American and British companies, one having also silver. The gold export amounted in 1917 to 185,125/. The mines towards the east coast in Mico, Tunkey, Cuicuina and Pizpiz districts are showing increased activity. Copper and precious stones are also found.


The foreign trade of Nicaragua was

as follows in

5 years : —







Imports . . | 631,843 Exports . . 913 440


955,619 ; 1,278,613 1,056,972 1,195,051


1,185,961 1,550,988


1,582,530 2,481,894

The customs receipts in 1919 were 302,736?. ; in 1918, 199,629*.

In 1919 the value of the principal imports (in dollars) was : — Cotton goods, 2,229,407 ; chemicals, 448.186 ; iron and steel, 490,442 ; wheat flour, 451,874. The principal countries of import were (values in dollars) : — United State*, 6,687,712 ; United Kingdom, 689,721 : France, 146,330'; and Panama, 147,613.

In 1919 the value of the principal exports (in dollars) was : — coffee, 6,268,096 ; bananas, 559,187 ; timber, 1,655,948 ; hides and skins, 417,741 ; and sugar, 608,795. The principal countries of export were (values in dollars):— United States, 7,663,827; Mexico. 277,197; Panama, 146,848; and Canada, 22,440.

A treaty of commerce between Great Britain and Niciragua, signed at Managua in July, 1905, and ratified at London on August 14, 1906, provides mutually for the most favoured nation treatment, except that Nicaragua may accord certain advantages to other Central American States.

Total trade between Nicaragua and United Kingdom (Board of Trade returns) for 5 years : —







Imports from Nicaragua to U. K. . Exports to Nicaragua from U.K. .


17,686 131,699


£ £

7,4f'.l 4.(191

MB&# 139,685



£ 101,337


Shipping and Communications.

Western Nicaragua has two seaports, Corinto and San Juan del Snr, through which pass approximately 64 per cent, of the imports and 86 per cent, of the exports of the Republic. The eastern ports are Bluefields, Cape Gracias a Dios, Las Perlas (Pearl Lagoon), and San Juan del Norte (Greytown). In 1919, 1,005 ships of 320,299 tons entered the five ports ot Nicaragua, and 1,016 of 320,348 tons cleared.