Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1207

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other ressels, holding that the exemption was 'in plain ct.niravnition of the treaty with Great Britain concerning the Canal concluded on Xovembei 19, 1901.' The repealing Bill was signed on Juna 15, 1914.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Panama iH Great Britain.

Secretary and Chargi d' Affair's. — Sehor Don Carlos R. Zachrisson. Attache's. — Sehor Don Ramon L Vallarino and Sehor Don Enrique Stagg. Consul-General. — J. B. Chevalier (January, 1919).

2. Of Great Britain in Panama.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. — A. 1'. Bennett, C.M.G. Appointed March, 1919.

Consul for the Republic. — Constantine Graham. Vice-Consul at Panama. — W. Ewing.

There are also Vice-Consuls at Colon, and one at Bocas del Toro, and a Consular Agent at David.

Books of Reference 1. Panama.

Foreign Office Reports. Annua! Series. London.

United States Consular Reports, Washington.

Boletin de Estadistica. Monthly from July, 1907. Panama.

The Legal Code (in Spanish). t> vols. Panama, 1917.

Aguilera (Rudolfo), Documentor historicos ralativos a la funda^ion de la Republics de Panama. Panama, 1904.

Barbour(J. 8.), History of William Paterson and the Darlen Company. Edinburgh, 1907.

Church (G. E.X The Republic of Panama. In Geographical Journal tor December, 190S. London.

JCdxoard* (A.), Panama, the Canal, the Country and the People. Revised edition. London, 1914.

Franck (H. A.), Things as they are in Panama. London, 1913.

Ktane (A. H.), Central and South America. In Stanford's Compendium. London, 1901.

Lindtay (Forbes), Panama and the Canal To-riav. Lnndon. 1912.

Mallei (Lady), Sketches of Spanish Colonial Life in Panama. New York, 1915.

Pmsa (H.), La Republique et le Canal de Panama. Paris, 1900.

Streitberg (T.), La Republique de Panama. Brussels, 1913.

2. The Panama Canal.

Official Handbook of the Panama Canal, 1015. Washington, !

The Panama Canal Record. Official Publication of the Panama Canal. Balboa Heights, C.7.. Weekly.

Sailing Directions and General Information. Balboa Heights, C.Z. 1919.

Annual Report of the Isthmian Canal Commission and the Panama Canal for the Financial Tear ended June 30. Annual. Washington.

Abbot (H. L.), Problems of the Panama Canal. London, 1905.

Ariat (H ), The Panama Canal : A Study in International Law and Diplomacy. London 1911.

Backenhus (R. E.), Knapp(H. S.). and Jonson (E. R ), The Panama Canal. London, 1915.

Barrett (John), The Panama Canal : What it is ; what it n.eans. Washington, 1912.

BelUt (D .), La Xouvelte V ie Maritime : le Canal de Panama. Paris, 1914.

Buhop (J. B.), The Panama GaUwav. New York, 1913.

Bunau-VarilU (P.), Panama: Its Creation, Destruction and Resurrectioa. London, 1913.

Collin* (J. O.), The Panama Guide. Aucon. C.Z., 1912.

Cornish (V.), The Panama Canal and its Makers. London, 1909.

Front (John Foster), Panama and What it Means. London, 1913.

Frtehnf (Joseph ('.), America y el tiiulo del Canal, uu examen, analisis e inter- pretacion vie datos y heeboi referentes al arrebato del Deosrtamento de Panama eu la Repub.ica dc Colombia por ia Administraciou Roosevelt de 1903, con el fin de asegurar el titulo de la zona del Canal. B.

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