Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1214

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Weights and Measures.

The 1 Oiuidra . . . — 100 varas (fl7 yards, about). ,, 50 Quadras . . . = 1 league (2 y miles, about). ,, 1 cuadra euadn . = 2 acres (nearly).

,, Legua cuadrada . . = about 7^ sq. miles. The weights and measures of the metric system are also in general use.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Paraguay in Great Britain.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. — Dr. .lose Moutero, May, 1920).

Consul -General in Great Britain. — Alfred James. Appointed November 20, 1897.

There are Consuls at Glasgow, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, Liver- pool, Bradford, and Southampton.

2. Of Great Britain in Paraguay.

Minister Plenipotentiary. — J. W. R. Macleay C.M.G. (residing at Buenos Aires).

Consul at Amncion (Local rank of Secretary of Legation and Charge' <f Affaires in absence of Minister). — F. W. Paris.

Books of Reference.

Amiario PJstadistico de la Republiea del Paraguay. Asuncion. Annual.

Annual Message of President of the Republic upon opening of Congress on April 1. Asuncion.

Hoi, tin Oficifil of Hie several Govenimeii! Departments.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual iSeries. London.

Report of the Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders. Annual. London.

Ouestii'm de limites con Bolivia. Ne.goeiaciones dip'omatica.*, 1015-1917. Toino 1 Asuncion, VM7.

Jhrrs (C. K,.), History of Mouth America. ISf.l 1WH. London, I'.'ot.

Arosemevn (.).), Constituciones Political de la America Meridional. Paris. I

Audibert (A.), Question de Limites entre el Paraguay y Bolivia. Asuncion, 1901.

Ilclmont (Andres de), Situation internaeiojul del Paraguay. Asuncion, 1912.

Benetes (G.), Annales, diplomatics y Militar, delaGuerra del Paraguay. Asuncion,

BoUund (B.), Exploration es pi act icadas en el Alto Paraguay y en la Laguna Gaiha. Buenos Aires, li*01.

DecowKA. L.), Album Grafico del Paraguay. Asuncion.

Decoud (If.), GcOgratia dc la Republiea del Paraguay. Leipzig. 1911.

Demersay (L. A.). Hisioire physique, econoroiqu* et polil Ique du Paraguay ci des e»b- lisscments <ies Jesuites. 'J vols. J'an.

Fiirlur-Trruei:J'eld(U. von), Paraguay iu Wortund Bilil. Berlin. 190C>.

Graham (R. B. Cuuninghame), A Vanished Arcadia. London, 1901.

Qrubb (W. B.), Among the Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco [Missionary work!

. l'.iDk— Aii Unknown People of an Unknown Land. London, 1911

( liaeo and its fut lire possibilities, in the Geographical Journal totr SepteinlK'r, 1919.

.'/ourdan (K. C), Guerra do Paraguay. Rio de .Janeiro, IS9Q.

Ko,hH(\V. 1L), Paraguay. London, 1917.

La Dardye(E. De B.), Paraguay : The Land and the People, N.-ttural Wealth and Com- I, BngBsh Iviition. Edited by K. G. Kavensiein, K.R.G.S. Londo ■ hinuhUA. K.), Picturesque Paraguay. London, 1911,

MangeU (1L), Wirtschaftliche, naturgeschichtliehe, una Klimatologische Abhandlun- gen aus Paraguay. Munehen, 1004.

Olascoaga (It. de), Paraguay. [Translation from Rcclus' ' Geographic Universale, ' with prolegomena and notes.] Asuncion, 1806,

Page (Commander Thomas G.) ( La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. Narrative of the Exploration of the Tributaries of the River La Plata an- ountriei

during ■'■'; IBM, 1865, and 1856, under the orders of I BtaWs GWHtft-

menl.' New York, 1867.

Parker (W.), P. raguayans ofTo-day. Buenos Aires, jlttSO, Vinlr.ntisi (\V. ), Paraguay : das Land der Guarauis. Berlin, 1007. Washburn (Charles A.), The History of Paragu.av. With notes of personal ohserT Boston and New York, 1871.