Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1258

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Statistical and other Books of Reference.

1. Official Publications. Portugal and Dependencies.

Annnario Estatistico de Portugal. Lisbon. Annual.

Recensement de la population de Portugal au l er Decembre, 1911. Part 2. Population de fait d'apres les ages, en distinguant le sexe, 1'etat civil et l'instrcction. Tableaux comparatifs. Parts. Aveugles, sourdmuets, idiots et alienes d'apres les sexes. Part 4. Longe"ite. Individus ages de 80 ans et plus, groupes d'apres les ages, en distinguant le sexe. 2 vols. Lisbon, 1914.

The statistical publications of the various Government Departments.

Boletim commercial e maritimo fmonthly).

Boletiin da Direcgao Geral de Agricultura.

Anuario .Colonial. Lisbon. First issue, 1916.

Boletim Official for each of the Portuguese colonies :— Provincias de Cabo, Verde, Guine, Sao Thome 1 e Principe, Angola, Mozambique, Estado da India, Provincie de Macao de Timor.

Collecciio deTratados, convenc3es,contractos,e actos pnblicos celebrados entrea c6rte de Portugal e as mais Potencias desde 1640 ate ao presente, por Borges de Castro e Judice Byker, 30 vols. 1S56-1879.— Nova Collecgao de Tratados, &c. 2 vols. 1890-1891.

Conta Geral da administragao financeira do Estado.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual and Miscellaneous Series. London.

Freire de Andrade (A.), Relatorios sobre Mozambique. 5 vols. Lourenco Marques, 1907-1910.

Le Portugal au point de vue agricole. Lisbonne, 1900.

Le Portugal vinicole. Lisbonne, 1900.

Lista dos Navios de Guerra e Mercantes da Marinha nortueueza. (Annual.) Lisbon.

Negocios externos: Arbitragem de Manica, 1897.

Notas Sobre Portugal (Exposicjao Nacional do Rio de Janeiro em 1908. Sec<;ao Portuguesa). 2 vols. Lisbon, 1908.

Orcamento geral e proposta de lei das receitas e dasdespezas ordinarias do Estado na metropole.

Orcamento da Receita e tabellas da Despesa das Provincias ultramarinas.

See also Reports presented to the Cortes by the Ministers of Finance and of Marine and Colonies, and reports of the district governors of the Province of Mozambique.

2. Non-Official Publications. Portugal and Dependencies.

Adam (Madame), La Patrie portugaise. Paris. 1S"6.

Andrade Corvo(j. de). Estudossobre as Provincias Ultramarinas. 4 vols. Lisbon, 1883-K.

Baedeker's Spain and Portugal. 4th ed. Leipzig, 1913.

Barker (G.), A Winter Holiday in P6itugal. London, 1912.

BeH (A. F. 0.), In Portugal. London, 1912.— Portugal of the Portuguese. Loudon, 1915.

Boletim e Publicac,oes da Sociedade da Geographia de Lis boa

Brown (A. S.), Madeira and the Canary Islands with the Azores. [Guide Book]. London, 1901.

Carqueja(B.), O Povo Portugez. Aspeetos Sociaes e Economicos. Oporto, 1918. — O Fiitnro de Portug-il. oporto, 1921.

Conta (Dr. Alfonso) Lea Finances Portugaises. Lisbon, 1913.

Couceiro (F. 1. de Paiva), Angola. Lisboa, 1910,

Danvers (C. F.X The Portuguese in India. London, 1894.

Delboec (It), Foulche), Bibliographie des Voyages en Espagne et en Portugal. [Re- printed from Revue Hispanique for March, July, and November, 1896.] Paris, IS'Jti.

ITararove. (KthclC), Progressive Portugal. London, 1914.

Herculano (Alexandre), Historia de Port ugal desde o comego da Monarchia ate ao fira do reinadode Affonso 111.(1097-1279). 4 vols. Lisbon, 1803.

Joanne (P ), Espagne et Portugal. Paris, 1909.

Johntton (Sir Harrv), The Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.

Keltie(.l. s.), Partition of Africa. 2nd ed, London, 1895.

Koebel(\\\ 11.), Portugal: Its Land and People. London, 1909.

l.ucri (L. V. Ae L. 8.), Emigrazao e Colonisaeao. Lisbon, 1914.

Lyne(R. N\), Mozambique: Its Agricultural Development. London, 1913.

Marvnnd (A.), Le Portugal et ses Colonics. Paris, 1912.

MacMurdo (M. M.)and Monteiro (M), History of Portugal. 3 vols. London, 1888.

Varituardnen dingo). Angola, bernn, 1920.

Maughcm (U C. F.), The History, Scenery, and Great Game of Manica and Sofala. London, 1'hio.— Z.imbesia. London, 1909.

Mendei(A. Lopes), A India Portugueza. 2 vols. Lisbon, 1889.