Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/137

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excluding water, is 140,936 acres : the total area of arable land in 1920 acres and of permanent grass, 17,070 acres. The total acreage umh-r corn crops in 1920 was 23.3S7 acres, including 22,777 under oats, 332 under wheat, and 630 under barley or bere. There were also 7,434 acres under turnips and swedes, 2,500 under potatoes, and 35,811 under clover, sainfoin and grasses under rotation. The number of agricultural holdings in 1920 above 1 acre in size was 1,567. The live stock in 1920 consisted of 6,326 horses ; 21,143 cattle ; 74,086 sheep ; and 3,368 pigs. The chief mineral products in 1919 were clay, 1,650 tons ; gravel and sand, 160 tons ; igneous rocks, 12,891 tons ; lead ore, 129 tons ; limestone, 1,989 tons ; slate, 4o7 tons ; zinc ore, 7*7 ton*; brine salt, 3,324 tons. Persona emplo;. ■- mining numbered 273. In 191 S there were belonging to the Isle of Mr fishing boats of an aggregate tonnage of 1,839 net tons.

The registered shipping (1918) comprised 28 sailing vessels (1,250 net tons) and 41 steamers (4,S56 net tons) ; total tonnage 6,106 net tons. The tonnage of vessels arrived at ports of the island in 1918 was 220,074 net tons (217,362 tons coastwise), and departed 217,223 net tons, (216,060 tons coastwise). The railways have a length of 464; miles, and there are 25 miles of electric railways.


The Channel Islands are administered according to their own laws and customs. Jersey has a separate legal existence ; it is administered by a Lieutenant-Governor appointed by the Crown, and a Bailiff also appointed by the Crown. The Bailiff presides in the States, which consist of 12 Jurats elected by the ratepayers for life, 12 rectors of parishes, 12 constables or mayors of parishes, and 17 deputies ; the constables and deputies being elected for 3 years. The Lieutenant-Governor has a veto on legislation. He may address the States but not vote. The 2 Crown officers may speak and vote. The qualification for a vote is the possession of a minimum value of 80?. real or 1201. personal property. The Royal Court consists of a tribunal of first instance and an appeal court. Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark are under one Lieutenant-Governor, but Guernsey and Alderney have government of their own, and Sark is a dependency of Guernsey and under its jurisdiction. The States for deliberation and legislation consist of a Bailiff, 12 Jurats, 10 rectors, 2 Crown officers, 15 delegates of parishes, and 18 deputies for parishes elected by the ratepayers. The sheriff and jurats are chosen by indirect election. On May 10, 1905, a law was passed for the Island of Guernsey requiring the approval of the Lieut. -Governor and of the Royal Court of the Island previously to the acquisition, or leasing, or occupation of immovable property by aliens or alien companies, registration and liability to local rates, ic, being also provided for. The Channel Islands are not bound by Acts of the Imperial Parliament unless specially named in them.

Births, 1919: Jersey, 661 ; Guernsey, &c, 683. Deaths: Jersey, 691 : Guernsey, ic, 649.

Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey.— Major-General W Douglas Smith,

C.B. Appointed October, 1920.

Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey, 1-c. — Major-General Sir J. E. Capper, K.C.B. Appointed June, 1920.

Finance.— Jersey, (1920): revenue, 133,723?.; expenditure, 126,6257. : public debt (1920), 544,286/. Guernsey, &c. (1919) : estimated revenue, 86,350?. ; estimated expenditure, 73,555?! Public debt (1919), 364,039?. 1 Are* and population, see p. J4.