Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1381

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The CcvM'.r, of f>0 Kilogrammes and 100 Pfund = 110 lbs. avoirdupois. The Quintal = 100 Kilogrammes = 220 lbs. avoirdupois. The Arpcnt (Land) = 8-9ths of an acre.

The Pfund, or pound, chief unit of weight, is legally divided into decimal Grammes, but the people generally prefer the use of the old halves and quar- ters, named Halbpfund, ami Viertelpfund.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of .S\> in Great Britain

Enron a —Charles It. Paravicini, appointed October 13, 1919.

Fiiw iser. — Henri Martin.

rHary. — Francis J. BoruBger.

— Corragioni d'Ovelli. AttmehA. — Emile Stutz, William Preiswerk, and Max Oederlin. Chancellor. — J. W. Sterchi.

2. Of Great Britain in Switzerland.

Emou Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. — The Hon. Theo Bxusel), C.Y.O., C.B. (Lorn 1870). Appointed September 3, 1919. Secretaries. — Hon. F. G. Agar-Robartes, M.Y.Q., aui N. B. Ronald. Military Attache. — Lt.-Col. L 0. Oppenheini. Commercial Secretary. — J. Picton Bagpe. Consul-General at Zurich.— E. G. B. Maxse, C.M.G.

There are Consuls at Bile, Bern, Geneva, J-ausanne. Lucerne, Davos, Tind St. Moritz ; Vice-Consuls at Zurich, Montreux, St. Gall, acd Neochatel.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Switzerland. 1. Official Publications.

Annuaire Statistique de la Suisse. Berne.

Feuille federale Suisse. Bern.

Foreign Office Reports Annua) Series and Miscellaneous Series. London.

Resultats statistiqut-s <!u recensement federal du 1" Decenibre, 1910. Vol. 1 Berne, 1915. Vol. II. Berne, 1917. Vol. HI. Berne, 1018.

Vorar.schlag der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. Annual. Berne. 1 rats du compte d'etat de la Confederation snisse. Annual. Berne. •along entlialtend die Bundesverfassung und die in Kraft tretenden Kantonsver. jen (in German, Freuch, and Italian). Bern, 1910. Supplement published in 1914.

Sclnveizerische Statistisclie Mitteilun^en. Herausgegeben vom Statistischen Bureau. Annnal. Bern.

Statistique du commerce de la Suisse avec l'etranger. Berne. Annual.

Archiv fur Schweizerisches Unterrichtswesen. Annual. Zurich.

Schweizer Kriegsgeschichte. Berne.

Afarx (Dr. Panl), Systematisches Register zu den geltenden staatsvertragen der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft und der Kantone mitdem Auslande. Zurich, 191S.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Rapport sur le Commerce et l'lndustrie de la Suisse en 1917. Zurich 1919.

Historisch-lvo-'raphisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Neuenburg, 1919.

Journal statistique et revue economiqne Suisse. Bern, Annual.

L'Economiste Suisse. Zurich. First Issue. 1915.

Adams (Sir F. O.), and Cunningham (C. D.), The Swiss Confederation. 18S9.

Jfiolter (A.), Ger-indnige des Schweizerischen Staatsn ■clus. Zurich, 1904.

Anneler (Or. Hedwig), and Annrler (Karl), Landes-und VolkfTkunde des L.tschen tales. Borne, 191S.

BaMeker't Switzerland. 25th edition. London. 1913.

£<Uvr (Grenfell), The Model Republic : a Uistorv of the Rise and Progress of the Swiss People. London. 1S95.

Bail (J.), The Central Alps, Part 1. New edition. London, 1907. Part II. London. 1911.

Bonjour (V.), Real Democracy in Operation. The example of Switzerland (English translation >. London, 1920.

Barth (Hans), Bibliographic der Schweitxer Geschichte (to 1912). Basel, 1914.

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