Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1426

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Consul in London (Honorary). — Senor Pablo Heyden.

There are Consular representatives at Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Newport, and Southampton.

2. Of Grrat Britain in Venezuela.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister. — H. H. D. Beaumont, appointed May 1st, 1916.

Naval Attache". — Lt. -Commander Lloyd Hirst, R.N.

Vice-Consul at Caracas. — T. Ifor Recs.

There are Vice-Consuls at Bolivar, LaGuaira, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, and Consular- Agents at San Felix, Barrancas, Cristobal-Colon, and Carupano.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Venezuela.

1. Official Publications.

Anuario Estadistico de Venezuela. Annual.

Estadistica Mercantil y Maritima.

Sinopsis de Estadistica General.

Boletin de Estadistica de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Monthly.

Respecting the Question of the Boundary of British Guiana and Venezuela: Cor- respondence between the Governments of Great Britain and the United StateR with respect to Proposals for Arbitration (United States. No. 2. 1896); Documents ami Correspondence (Venezuela, No. 1, 1896); Maps to accompany Documents (Venezuela, No. 1, 1899, Appendix No. III.); Errata in "Venezuela No. I." (Venezuela, no. 2, 1896); Further Documents (Venezuela, No. 3, 1896); Case on the Part of British Government (Venezuela, No. 1, 1899); Counter-case on the Part of British Government (Venezuela, No. 2, 1899); Argument on the Part of British Government (Venezuela, No.

3, 1899); Case, Counter-case, and Argument on the Part of Venezuela (Venezuela, Nos.

4, 5, and 6, 1899) ; Award of the Tribunal of Arbitration (Venezuela, No. 7- 1890). London, 1S96 and 1899. GacetaOflcial. Daily, Caracas.

Coustitucion de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela Sancionada par la Asamblea nacioua oonstituyente en 1909. Caracas, 1909.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

Venezuela: Geographical Sketch, Natural Resources, Laws, ire. Issued by the Bureau of American Republics. Washington, 1904.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Indicator de Caracas y de la Republica. First Year, 1919-20. Caracas.

El libro amarillo de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, 1919. Caracas, 1919

Andrt (K.), A Naturalist in the Guianas. London, 1904.

Baudelier(A. F.), The Gilded Man. New York, 1893.

Bingham (Hiram), The Journal of an Expedition across Venezuela and Colombia, l'.iiJt>-7. New Ilaven, 1909.

Compendium of Geography and Travel (Stanford's); Central and South Amerioa. 2d. ed. Vol. I. London, 1909.

Dtlton (L. V.), Venezuela. Loudon, 1912.

JJaw»on (T. C), The South American Republica. Part II. New York, 1'.'

Mrnst (fir. A.), Les produits de Venezuela. Bremen, 1874.

Tortoul{J. G), Htatoria Constitutional de Venezuela. Vol. 1. Berlin, 19n".

Humboldt (A. von), Personal Narrative of Travel to the Equinoctial Regions of America. 8 vols. London, 1900.— Views of Nature. London, 1900.

Landatta Bosalet (M.), Gran Recopilacion Geograflca, Estadistica c Histories d* Venezuela. 1S89.

Ma«pher*on('V. A.), Vocabulariohistorico, geographico, Ac, del Estado Carabobo. 2 pU. Caracas, 1890-91. Diocionario historioo, geogratlco, estadistico, Ac, del Estado Miranda. Caracas. 1891.

ilitre (B.), Emancipation of South America. London, 1893.

Afomb<!llo(0. Orel de), Venezuela y sua Rlqttezas. Caracas, 1S90.

Pinentel y Both (K), Uesiunen Cronologico de las Leyes y Decreto del Cridito P&bliOO de Venezuela, des de el ario de 1826 hasta el de 1872-1873.

Report of Council of Corporation of Foreign Bondholder!. London. Annual.

Seruggi (W '. L.), The Colombian and Venezuelan Republics. 2d. ed. Boston, Mass., 1905.

Seruggt(\V. L.)and Storrow(J. J.), The Brief for Venezuela. [Boundary dispute] London, 1896. (J. M.),The Land of Bolivar: Adventures in Venezuela. 2 vols. London, 1878.

Strickland (J.), Documents and Maps of the Boundary Question between Venezuela and British Guiana. Loudon, 1896.

Triana(S. P.), Down the Orinoco in a Canoe. London, 1902.

Velot Goitieoa (N.), Venezuela- Hsbozo Geograflco, Recnrsos Naturales, Legislacion Condiclones Econ6micas, Desarrollo Mcanzado,ProspectodeFuturoDesenvolvinoiento 1904.

Wood(Vf. K.), Venezuela : Two Years on the Spanish Main. London.