Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1442

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BalucBistan, books of reference, 162

— coal, 161

— commerce, 161

— communications, 150, 161

— defence, 159

— education, 130, 160

— finance, 159, 160

— forests, HO, 160

— frontiers, 662

— government, 118, 158-9

— justice, 159

— medical officers, 159

— minerals, 161

— native states, 121, 128,158,159,160

— petroleum, 161

— political agencies, 159

— posts and telegraphs, 162

— production and industry, 160 ■ — races, 160

— religion, 118, 128, 160

— roads, 150, 161

— ruling chiefs, 158, 159-60

— salt, 161

— states, 121, 128, 159, 160

— tribal areas, 158, 159, 160 — - wheat, 160

Balzar dist. (Ecuador), rubber, 823 Bamako (French Sudan), 900

— wireless station, 901 Bamalete tribe (South Africa), 202 Bamangwato tribe (S. Africa), 202 Bamberg (Bav.), 943 ; faculties, 923 Bamessing (Cameroon), 255 Banana (Belgian Congo), port, 702

— wireless station, 703 Banat (Rumania), 1214, 1215 Banat.the (Serb, Croat,Sloveue), 1265 Banca (Dutcli Indies), 1112

— area and population, 1113

— tin, 1117

Bandawe (Nyasaland), 195 Bandar Ziyada (Somaliland), 200 Bandoeng (Java), 1114 Bangala (Belgian Congo), 700 Bangalore (India), 127, 130 Banganapalle (India), state, 124 Bangkok (Siam), 1272, 1273

— port, 1277 ; rice mills, 1276 ;

town, 1273, 1274, 1276 ;univ., 1274 ; wireless station, 1278

Bangor (Maine), 547

Bangor College, 30

Bangui (French Congo), 886, 887

Bangwakatse tribe (S. Africa),

202 Bank of England, 83, 84 Hankstown^N.S.W.), 369 Bantu race and language 179, 182,

185, 212, 254, 700 Baouli (Ivory Coast), gold at,

899 Baranja (Serb, Croat, Slovene

1266 Bara race (Madagascar), 889 Barbados Is. (W. Ind.), 338, 339

— area and population, 339, 340

— banks, 340

— books of reference, 349

— commerce, 340

— cotton, 340

— currency, 340

— education, 339, 340

— finance, 340

— fisheries, 340

— Governor, 339

— justice, 340

— newspapers, etc., 340

— posts, 340

— production, 340

— railways, 340

— shipping, 340

— sugar, 340

Barbuda Is. (West Indies), 343,

344 Barca (Eritrea), 1028 Barcelona (Spain), 1282 ; town,


— port, 1293 ; university, 1285

— wireless station, 1289, 1295 Barcelona (Venezuela), 1369 Bardera(It. Somaliland), 1030 Bareilly (India), 127 Barents Is. (Spitsbergen), 1144 Barentu (Eritrea), 1028 Barese (Italy), 1019 Barfurush (Persia), 1165

Bari (Italy), 1006 ; town, 1007 — university, 1010 Barinas (Ycnez. ), 1369 Barkhan tahsil (Baluchistan), 159 Barmen (Prussia), 920 Barnaul (Siberia), 1229 Barnsley, population, 17 Baroda (India), area, &c, 121

— finance, 121

— government, 121