Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1447

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Binh-Dinh (Annam), 876 Biobio (Chile), province, 705 Bir Jabir (Aden), 95 Birkenfeld, Republic, 951 Birkenhead, population, 17 ; port, 79 Birmal (Afghanistan), 662, 664 Birmingham, 17 ; university, 30, 31 Birmingham (Alabama), 461, 503 Birney Island (Pacific), 441 Biscay or Vizcaya (Spain), 1283, 1291 Bishop's College Univ. (Quebec),

287 Bishop's Falls (Newfoundland), paper

mills, 335 Bismarck (North Dakota), 591 Bismarck Archipelago, 419, 421

— administration, 419 coconuts, 421, 422 islands, 421

— population, 421

Bissau (Portuguese Guinea), 1203 Bitlis, 1244, 1335, 1349 ; town, 1336 Bitolj (Serbia), 1266 Bizerta (Algeria), torpedo stn., 857 Bjbrneborg (Finland), 831 Blackburn, population, 17 Black Forest (Wurttemberg), 962 Blackpool, population, 17 Black Sea prov. (Russia), 1226 Blagovyeshchensk (Siberia), 1229 Blainpalais ^Switzerland), 1321 Blanche Bay (New Guinea). 421 Blantyre (Nyasaland), 195,' 196 Blekiuge (Sweden), province, 1302 Blida (Algeria), 881 Bloemfontein (S.Africa), 213, 237 Bloomington (Illinois), 532 Bluefields (Nic), 1125, 1126; pt., 1127

— wireless station, 782 ~31yth, port, 67, 80

(Sierra Leone), 252 Joaco (Nicaragua), 1126

-auamary (Madagascar), 890 obo-Dioulasso (Fr. W. Africa), 901 sbruisk (Russia), 1228 seas del Toro (Panama), 782, 1149, 1152; railways, 1152 wireless station, 782 chum (Prussia), 920

3no (Venezuela), 1369 ekolo (Netherlands*, 1106 otia (Greece), 967


Bogdo Khan (Urga), 746 Bogota (Colombia), 771, 773

— mint, 775

— university, 7

Bohemia (Czecho-Slovakia), 789, 790

— agriculture, 794

— area and population, 791

— banks, 796

— books of reference, 797

— education. 791, 792

— forests, 794

— hops, 794

— representation, 790 Bohnsack (Danzig), 798 Bohol Is. (P. I.), 647

Bonus (Sweden), province, 1302 Boise (Idaho), 529 Bokhara, 1242

— Amirs, 1242

— area and population, 1242

— army, 1242

— books of reference, 1243

— currency, 1243

— imports and exports, 1243

— products, 1243

— railways, 1243

— religion, 1242

— Soviet government, 1242

— telegraph, 1243 Boksburg (Transvaal), 213, 233 Bolama Is. (Portuguese Guinea), 1203 BolanPass (Baluchistan), 158, 159 Bolan road (Afghanistan), 665 Bolivar (Colom. ), 771 ; gold, 773 Bolivar (Ecuador), 821 ; wireless stn. ,


— (Venezuela), state, 1369 Bolivia, 706 sqq

— agriculture, 709

— area and population, 707

— army, 708, 709

— bank, 711

— books of reference, 712

— boundary, treaties, 707, 1158,


— Chamber of Deputies, 706

— coffee, 709

— commerce, 709, 740

— communications, 710

— Congress, 706

— constitution and government, 706

— copper, 709

— currency, 711

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