Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1451

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British Guiana, 330 sqq

— Honduras, 296, 332, 333

— India, see India

— New Guinea, 350, 417

— North America, see Canada

— North Borneo, 98, 100, 165

— Oceania, 91, 350, 443 sqq

— Pacific Islands, 350, 419 sqq,

436, 437, 433 sqq

— Protected Malay States, 174

— Solomon Islands, 350, 422, 445

— Somaliland, 200, 1029 • S. Africa, 201 sqq; see also Union of

— S.W. Africa, 239 sqq

— Virgin Islands, 343, 345 - West Africa, 242 sqq

— West Indies, 280, 338 sqq

natives of, in Costa Rica, 779

in Panama, 1149

Brno (Czecho-Slovakia), 791 ; univ.,

792 Brockton (Massachusetts), 461, 553 Broken Hill (New South Wales),

369, 413 Broken Hill (N. Rhodesia), 206 Bromberg (Poland), 1186

— (Prussia), 921

Bronx (New York), 461, 583, 584 Brooke, Sir C. V., Raj. (Sarawak). 99 Brooklyn (New York), 461, 583, 584

naval station, 471 Brosen (Danzig), 798 Bronssa (Asia Minor), 1340

— forests, 1341 Bruchsal (Baden), 940 Bruges (Belgium), 691 Brunei, 99, 165 ; coal, 98 Brunswick, 918, 946

— area and population, 918, 946 books of reference, 946

— constitution, 946

— debt, 946

— education, 922

— finance, 946

— religion, 946

— sugar, 931

— town, 920, 946

Bnissa (Turkev-in-Asia), 1335 ; towu,

1336 Brussels(Belgium,)691,703;univ.,691 Bryansk (Russia), 1228 Bubi race (Fernando Po.), 1297 Bucaramanga (Colombia), 771


Buchanan (Liberia), 1067 Bucharest (Rumania), 1215, 1217, 1220

— treaty, 726, 727, 1214, 1217

— university, 1216

Buckeburg (Schaumburg-Lippe), 961

Budaiya (Bahrein), 96

Budapest 'Hungary), 994, 997 ;

university, 996 Buddhism in Australia, 404

— in Bhutan, 705

— in Ceylon, 101, 103

— in China, 748

— D. E. Indies. 1114

— in India, 128

— in Japan, 1041

— in Korea, 1054

— in Mongolia, 765

— in Nepal, 1092

— in Siam, 1^74

— in Sikkim, 162

— in South Africa, 214

— in Tibet, 762

— in Western Australia, 404 Budejovice (Czecho-Slovakia), 791 Buea (Cameroon), 255

Buenos Aires (Argentina), 669, 674

— Federal district, 669

— town, 668, 670, 671

— university, 671 Buer (Prussia^, 921

Buffalo (New York), 461, 584 Buganda, 184

Bugti dist. (Baluchistan), 160 Buka Island (Solomon Is. ), 422 Bukarest (Rumania), see Bucharest Bukedi (Uganda), 184 Bukidnon prov. (Philippiues), 647 Bukovina (Rumania), 1213

— area and population, 1214

— colonies, 1215

— representation, 1213 Bulawayo (Rhodesia), 204 Bulgaria, 726 sqq.

— agriculture, 730, 731

— area and population, 727, 730,

731, 1334

— army, 730

— banks, 732

— births, marriages and deaths, 728

— books of reference, 733

— coal, 731