Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1461

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buila (Mex.), St., 1075; coal, 1078 1-yielding regions: — yssinia, 659 Mexico, 1078

ine, 674 Mozambique.

Australia, 357, 1204

see States Natal, 221, 231

Austria, 686 Netherlands,

Baluchistan, 161 1106

Basutoland, 801 Newfoundland, Belgian Congo, 335

701 N. Zealand, 432

Belgium, 69.3 Nigeria, 244

Brazil, 730 Persia, 1168

B. Borneo, 98, Peru, 1179

99, 100 Poland, 1190

Brunei, 99 Portugal&Colo-

Bulgaria, 731 nies,1199,1204

Canada, 294, Rhodesia, 205,

k see Provs. 206

Chile, 739 Rumania, 1218

China, 755 Russia, 4 see

Colombia, 774 new States,

Czech-Slov., 795 1235

D.E.Indies,1117 S. Domingo. Ecuador, 823 1260

France, S60 wak, 100

— cols. 874, 876, Serb, Croat,

878, 891 ~ne

Germany, 930, State, 1268

&. see States Siam, 1276

Gt. Britain, 66, 67 S. Africa, 201, Greece, 973 205,206,220,

Haiti, 986 221

Honduras, 990 Spain, 1291

Hungary, 997, Spitsbergen,

998 1144

India, 142, 143 Sweden, 1309

Japan and de- Tanganyika,

pen., 1049, 183

1057, 1058, Tasmania, 413

1059 Turkey, 1341

Korea, 1055 U.S.A., 481.

Latvia, 1065 See also States

Madagascar, 891 Uruguay, 1364 Malaya, 172 Venezuela, 1371

>oat bridge, population, J 2 >>ban (Guat. ), 979 : coffee, 980 3obija (Boliv. ), wireless stn., 711 )oblentz (Germanv), 921 ; forts, 927 )oburg (Bavarian/942, 961 ; tu., 943 ^ocanada (India), 127 Jochabamba (Bolivia), 707, 708, 709 Jochin (Madras), 121, 124


( ,'och in -China (F.), 871, 874, 875, 876

— agriculture, B

— area and population, 871, 875

— banks, 876

— books of reference, 879

— budget, 876

— commerce, 875, 876

— crops, 875

— education, 875

— finance, 876

— fisheries, 875

— imports and exports, 876

— live stock.

— production and industry, 875, 876

— representation, 875

— rice, 875, 876

— rubber, 875

— shipping, 876

— troops in,

Code (Panama), 1149, 1151 Cocos Islands (Malaya), 164, 169 Codxington College (Barbados), 340 Coetivy Island (Seychelles), 198 Coffey ville (Kans.)* 540 Cohoes (New York), 554 Coiba Is. (Panama), pearl fishery, 1151 Coimbra (Portugal), 1195; town,

1195 ; university, 1196 Coimbatore (India Cojedes (Venezuela), state, I Colchagua (Chile), province, 735 Colchester, population, 17 Colima (Mexico), 1075 Colimno (Aegean), 1032 College de France, 848 Coloane Island (Macao), 1202 Cologne (Germany), 920 ; forts,

— university, 923, 924 Colombia, 770 sqq

— agriculture, 773

— area and population, 770, 771

— army, 773

— books of reference. '.

— boundary treaties, 771, 521, 1176

— coal, 774

— coffee, 773, 774

— commerce

— ■ ommunications, 775

— ("ougress, 770

— constitution and government, 770

— cotton, 773

— i urrencv, 775

— debt, 773

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