Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1473

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£lor» iad Little S|>anish

' Africa), 1296, 1297 K; Paso Tei w), 461, 616 El Parai>o (Honduras), tobacco, 989

1 (Egvpt), 259 El vas (Portugal), 1195 Ely, Isle of, 16 iElyria (Ohio), 594 Km.uis (Danjig), 798 Emba (Russia), oil, 1235 Kmertinc- '15

Emilia (Italy), proviaoe, S'89 Fmir-el-Mumenin (Morocco), 1083 Emmen (Netherlands), 1098 Encarnacion (Para.). 676. 1157, 1158

wireless station, 1161

Enderbury Island (Pacific), 444 England and Wales —

— agricultural holdings, 63

— agriculture, 60 sqq

— area, 13, 60

— Bank of England, 83, 84

— banks, chartered, 83

wrings, post-office, 83

trustee, 83

— births, marriages, and deaths, 25

— books of reference, 86 sqq

— canals, 80

— cities, 17-19

— commerce, 69 sqq

— Councils, County, 10, 11, 31, 32 District, &c, 11, 13

— Counties, Administrative, 10, 16,17

— Couutv Boroughs, 17-19 Councils, 10, 11, 31, 32

— crime and criminals, 35, 36

— crops, 61, 62

— customs, 42, 45, 46

— debt, 48, 50

— education, agricultural, 30, 64

authorities, 31, 32, 33

elementary, 33

finance of, 31, 32, 35

military, 53

secondary, 31

— — technical, 32 university, 30, 31

— electorate, 6

— emigration and immigration,

— excise, 42, 45, 46

— fisheries, 65

— flax, 61

— forestry, 65


England and Wales, hops, 61 illegitimacy, imports and exports, 69 sqq

— inhabited houses, 19, 48

— justice and crime, 35, 37, 38

— King, :;

— land distribution, 60

— local government, 10-12

— local taxation, 48, 50

— metropolis {see also London), 20

— mining and minerals, 66

— mint, 82

— national insurance, 39

— occupations of the people, 20

— old-age pensions, 39

— parliamentary representation, 6

— pauperism, 40

— population, 13 sr/q

— property assessed, 43, 46, 47, 48

— railways, 80

— religion, 26-28

— revenue k expenditure, 41-6

— towns, 17-19

— trade, 70

— universities, 30, 31

— wheat, 61, 62 Enid (Oklahoma' Eukeldoorn (Rhodesia), 204 Enos (^Egean shores), J Kuschede (Netherlands), 1098 Entebbe (Uganda), 184, 185 Eutre Minho e Douro (Port.), 1195 Entre Rios (Argentina), 669, 674 Enzeli (Persia), port, 1166,1168.1233 Epi Island (Pacific), 445

Epinal (France), fortress, 855 Epirus (Greece), 967 Equator (Belgian Congo), 700 Equatorial Africa (Fr.), 871, 872,

886 sqq Equatorial Provinces (Abvssinia), 657 Erfurt (Prussia), 920 Erie (Pennsvlvania , 461, 602 Erie Canal (N.Y.), 587 Erima Haven (New Guinea), 420 Eritrea (Italian E. Africa), 200, 274,

1027 sqq

— area and population, 1027

— commissariats, 1028

— curreucy, 1029

- defence, 1017, 1028

— finance, 1028

— frontier, 200, 274, 894