Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1475

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Falkland Islands, books of reference, 329

— communication-;. 329

— crime, 329

— currency, 329

— education .

— finance, 329

— government, 328

— Governor, 328

— imports and exports, 329

— live stock, 329

— posts, 329

— production and industry, 329

— savings bank, 329

— sealing, 329

— shipping, 329

— telephones. ? i

— whaling, 329

Fall River (Mass.), 461, 553

Falmouth, port, 80

Falmouth (Jamaica), 341, 342

Falun (Sweden), 1308

Famagusta (Cyprus), 107, 109

Fanning Island (Pacific), 444

Far Eastern Democratic Republic,

1224 Fargo (North Dakota), 591 Farmuli (Afghanistan), 664 Faro (Portugal), 1195; town, 1195 Faroe Is. (Denmark), 802

— area and population, 802

— representation, 801 Farquhar Is. (Mauritius), 194 Farukhabad (India), 127 Fasher, El (A.-E. Sudan), 274 Fatick (Senegal), 897

Faya (French Congo), 887 Fead Islands (Pacific), 421 Federal Capital (Brazil), 715 Federal District (Brazil), 714, 715,

718 Federal District (Mexico), 1075 Federal District (Venezuela), 1369 Federal Territory (Australia), 350, 352

— area and population, 352

— births, marriages, deaths, 352

— inhabited houses, 352

— railways, 362

Fed. Malay States, 165, 170, sqq, 1273 (see Malay States, Federated) Felicite Island (Seychelles), 198 Fellahin (Egypt), 266 Fellin (Esthonis), 827

Female suffrage, tee Woman suffrage Fengtien (Manchuria), 746, 761 Feng-hwang-cheng (Manchuria), 761 Ferdinand, King (Rumania), 1213 Ferghana (R. in A.), 1227 ; oil, 1235 Fernando Po (Span. Af.), 1296, 1297

— aborigines, 1297

— imports and exports Ferozepore (India •

Ferrara (Italy), 1005 ; tn., 1007;

univ., 1010 Ferrol (Spain), dockvard, 1289

— fort, 1289; wireless sta., 1290 Feuerbach (Wiirttemberg). 963 Fez (Morocco), 1084, 1085

— military area, 1036

— vineyards, 1087

— wireless station, 1089 Fianarantsoa (Madagascar), 889 Fife (Northern Rhodesia), 206 Fiji, 350, 440 sqq

— area and population, 440

— births and deaths, 440

— banks, 442

— books of reference, 443

— Chinese in, 440

— commerce, 441, 442

— communications, 442

— constitution and government, 440

— customs, 442

— debt, 441

— defence, 440

— education, 441

— finance, 441

— Governor, 440

— Indians in, 126, 440

— immigration, 126

— imports and exports, 441, 442

— justice, 440

— live stock, 441

— manufactures. 441

— posts and telegraphs, 442

— production and industry, 441

— religion, 441

— rubber, 441, 442

— savings bank, 442

— shipping, 442

— sugar, 441, 442

— telephone, 442

— wireless stations, 442 Findlay (Ohio), 594

Fingo race (South Africa ),|226 Finland, 830 sqq