Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1484

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Gold-yielding regions : —

Abyssinia, 659 Kenya Colony, Afghan'tan,664 181

A.-E. Sudan, Korea, 1055

276 Liberia, 1068

Angola, 1203 Madag'car, 890

Argentina, 674 Malay Sts., 172, Australia, 357, 175

and see States Mexico, 1078

Austria, 668 Morocco, 1087

Bel. Congo, 701 Mozambique, Bolivia, 709 1204

Borneo, 98, 99, Natal, 231

100 Newf'dlnd 335

Brazil, 720 N.Z., 432, 433

B. Guiana, 330 Nicaragua, 1127

Bulgaria, 731 Papua, 418

Cameroon, 255 Peru, 1179

Canada, 294, Philippines, 64 9

& see Provs. Porto Rico, 644,

Ceylon, 105 Poitug., and Chile, 739 poss., 1199,

China, 755 1203, 1204

Colombia, 773, R'desia,205,206

774 Russia, 1243,

Costa Rica, 780 Salvador, 1255

Cuba, 786 Santo Dom- Czecho - Slova- ingo, 1260

kia, 795 Sarawak, 100

Dutch West Serb, Croat,

Indies, 1120 SloveneState,

Ecuador, 823 1268

France & cols., Sin-Kiang, 764

860,876,878, S. & S. W.Afr.

890,898,899, 205,206,209,

909 220, 231

GoldCoast,249, Swaziland, 209

250 Sweden, 1309

Guatemala, 981 Tibet, 762

Haiti, 985 Turkey, 1341

Honduras, 990 U.S. A., 481, 482 Hungary, 998 k see States

India, 142 Uruguay, 1364

Italy and cols., Venezuela, 1 '■'<! 1

1020, 1028 W.Africa, 2i9, Japan, 1049 250

Gomel (Russia), 1228 Gonaives (Haiti), 984

Gondar (Abyssinia), 657 ; town, 658 Goppingen (Wurttemberg), 963 Gorakhpur (India), 127 Gordon College (Khartoum), 274 Gore (Abyssinia), 657 ; town, 658


Goree (Senegal), 897

Gorgol (French W. Africa), 901

Gorizia (Italy), 1004

Gbrlitz (Prussia), 921

Gosha (Italian Somaliland), 1029

Gbteborg (Sweden), province, 1302

— faculty, 1303 ; gvnmt, 1300, 1301

— shipping, 1312 ; town, 1303 Gotha (Thuringia), 961 Gottingen univ. (Germany), 923 Gottland (Sweden), province, 1302 Gouda (Netherlands), 1098 Gough's Island (Atlantic), 198 Goulburn (New South Wales), 369 Goundam (French W. Africa), 900 Goyaz (Brazil.), 715, 718; diamonds,

720 Gozo Island (Malta), 93 Graaff-Reinet (Cape Colony), 227 Gradisca (Italv), 1004 Grafton (New South Wales), 369 Graham's Land (Falkland Is.), 328 Graham's Town (S. A.), 214, 226 Granada (Spain), 1283 ; town, 1284

— university, 1285

Granada (Nicar.), 1126 ; university, 1126

— wireless station, 1128

Grand Bahama Island (W.I.), 338 Grand Bassa (Liberia), 1067 Grand Bassam (Ivory Coast), 899

— gold near, 899

Grand Caicos Island (W.I.), 343 Grand Canyon (Arizona), 507 Grand Cayman Is. (W.I.), 342 Grand Cess (Liberia), 1067 Grand Falls (Nfnld.), paper mills,

335 Grand Forks (North Dakota), 59] Grand Lahou (Ivory Coast), 899 Grand-Popo (Toco), 902 Grand Rapids (Michigan), 461, 559 Grand Turk Is. (W. Indies), 8*8 Grand Wallacbia (Rumania), 1214 Grande Aldee (French India), 873 Grande Comoro Island (French), 892 Grande-Terrc (Guadeloupe), 908 Granville (New South Wales), 369 Grao-Mogul (Brazil), diamonds, 720 Graz (Austria), 682 ; univ., 683 Graubunden(Switz.), 1318, 1320 Gray Univ. Coll. (S. Af.), 214 Great Admiralty Is. (Pac), 422