Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1488

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Great Britain, self-govcrningcolonies, 91, 210, 282, 334, 350, 423

— shipping, 78 sqq Ministry of, 45

— silver bullion imports and exp. , 73

— small holdings, 63, 64

— sovereigns, list of, 4

— stamps (revenue), 43, 46, 47

— Standing Com. of Home Affairs, 8

— submarines, 55, 59

— Suez Canal shares (rev.), 43,49,270

— super-tax, 43, 46, 47, 48

— taxation, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48 local, 44, 48, 50

— technical education, 31-3

— telegraphs, 43, 45, 46, 49, 82 wireless, 82

stations, 82

— telephones, 43, 46, 49, 82

— territorial army, 51, 52, 53

— textile industry, 69

— tin, 66, 68

— torpedo boats, 55, 60 destroyers, 55, 59

— towns, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24

— trade, 69 sqq

— tramways, 50, 80

— Transport, Ministry of, 9

— unemployment insurance, 39

— universities, 30, 31, 251, 340

— Urban District Councils, 11, 13

— vessels built, 78 lost, 78

— War Cabinet, 7, 8, 51

— war expenditure, 44, 45, 46, 49

— wheat imports, 75,76, 77 produce, 61, 62

— wireless stations, 82

— woman suffrage, 6, L8

— wool, home-grown, 69

imported & exported, 69, 74,

75, 76 Great Elobey (Sp. AC), 1296, 1297 (ireat Falls (Montana), 568 Great Inagua Island (W. Indies), 338 Great Lake (Cambodia), 877 Great Lebanon (Syria), 1358

— mines, 1360

Great Nicobar Island ( A ndumans), 164 Great Yarmouth, population, 18 Grebo race (Liberia), 1066 Greece, 965 sqq

— agriculture, 972


Greece, Antiquities, Service of, 969

— archaeology, 969

— area and population, 967, 968,

972, 1334

— army, 970

in Turkey, 1340

— banks, 975

' — books of reference, 977

— Bule, 966

— canal, 975

— Chamber of Deputies, 966

— coal, 973

— commerce, 973

— communications, 975

— constitution and government, 960

— copper, 973

— cotton mills, 973 B

— Council of State, 966

— crops, 972

— currants, 972, 974

— currency, 975, 976

— customs duties, 974

— debt, 970

— defence, 970, 971

— deforestation, 972

— departments, 967

— diplomatic representatives, 976

— education, 969

— emigration, 968

— figs, 972

— finance, 969, 970

— Financial Commission, 970

— fruit, 972

— imports and exports, 973, 974

— iron, 973, 974

— irrigation, 972

— King, 965, 971

— live stock, 972 loan, 970

— manufactures, 973

— mercantile marine, '.'7 I

— mining, 972, 973

— ministry. 966

— monasteries, 968

— money and credit, 975 money, weight*, measures, t'7»>

— National Assembly, 965, 906

— Naval Mission, 971

— navy, 971

— new territories, 967, 968, 1334

— nomos, 967

— olives, 972j

— politicalyparties, 966