Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1499

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[adia (British), textile industries, 140. 141, 142, 146

— towns, 126, 127

— trade, sea-borne external, 143 sqq trans-frontier, land, 148

— universities, 129

— Viceroy, 116

— volunteer force, 136

— war contingents, 136, 137 loan, 133, 135

— wheat, 138, 146, 147

— wireless statious, 152

India (French), 871, 872, 873, 874

— area and population, 871, 873

— books of reference, 879

— colonies, 873

— divisions, 873

— education, 873

— government, 873

— imports and exports, 872, 874

— products, 873

— railways, 874

— representation, 873

— shipping, 874

India (Portuguese), 1196, 1201, 1202 Indian Territory (U.S.A.), 458, 596 Indiana, 457, 534 sqq

— agriculture, 477, 478, 535

— area and population, 457, 475, 534

— books of reference, 536

— cities, 535

— coal, 536

— communications, 536

— constitution and government, 534

— crime, 535

— crops, 536

— debt, 535

— education, 535

— farms, 535

— finance, 535

— fruit, 536

— Germans in, 534

— live stock, 536

— manufactures, 536

— mining, 536

— natural gas, 536

— pauperism, 535

— petroleum, 536

— production and industry, 477,

478, 535

— railways, 536

— religion, 535

— representation, 453, 534

Indiana, river transport, 536

— savings bank, 536

— tobacco, 478, 536

— universities, 535

— wheat, 477, 536

— wool, 536

Indianapolis (Ind.), 461, 534, 535,

536 Indians (Canadian), 285, 319 Indian Reservations, 458; see separate

States of U.S.A. Indian Schools, U.S.A., 463 Indian Staff College, Quetta, 161 Indians, U.S.A., 458, 459, an

States Indo-China (French), 871, S72, 874

sqq, 1273

— agriculture, 874

— area and population, 871, 874 •

— army, 855, 874

— bank, 875

— books of reference, 879

— budgets, 874

— coal, 874, 875

— commerce, 872, 874, 875

— currency, 875

— Customs Union, 874

— debt, 874

— defence, 874

— divisions, 874, 875 sqq

— finance, 874

— fisheries, 874

— imports and exports, 872, 874, 875

— justice, 874

— mining, 874

— navy, 874

— posts, 875

— production, 874, 875

— railways, 875

— rice, 874

— roads, 875

— ■ shipping, 875

— States and Protectorates, 874,

875 sqq

— tin, 874

— troops in, 855, 874

— university, 878 Indore (India), state, 123 Ingoldstadt (Bavaria), 943 Inhambane(Port. E. A.), 1204, 120;. Innsbruck (Austria), 682 ; univ., 683 Insurance, National, see Invalidity.

and Old Age Pensions