Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1501

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'land, population, provinces, 23

— property assessed, 48

— railways, 80

— religion, 29

— revenue and eip., 46, 48, 50 towns, 13, 24 trade, 70

— universities, 30, 31

— wheat, 61, 62

Irkutsk (Siberia), 1226 ; town, 1229 Ironwood (Mich.), 559 Isa bin Ali, Sheikh (Bahrein), 97 Isabel Island (Pacific), 422, 445 Isafjordur (Iceland), 814 Iskandar Shah (Perak), 170 Isle of Ely, 16 Isle of Man, 84

— agriculture, 84, 85

— area and population, 13, 14, 24, 60

— books of reference, 91

— education, 84

— finance, 42, 84

— fisheries, 65

— government, 84

— live stock, 85

Isle of Pines (French Pacific), 911

Ismail (Rumania), 1215

Ismailia (Egypt), 258, 259

Ismid (T-in-A.), 1335 : occupation.

1340 Ismir, see Smyrna Ispahan (Persia), 1165 Issa race (F. Somaliland), 894 Isthmian Canal Zone, see Panama Istria (Italy), 1004 Italian Africa, 187, 200, 274, 1016,

1017, 1027 sqq Italian Somaliland, 1029

— area and population, 1029

— boundaries, 200, 274, 1029

— budget, 1030

— currency, 1029

— defence. 1017. 1030

— post offices, 1030

— products, 1030

— roads, 1030

— shipping, 1030

— wireless stations, 1030 Italy, 1001 sqq

— administrative divisions, 1004

— agriculture, 1019

— area and population, 1003 sqq

— army, 1015

Italy, army, African, 1016, 1017, 1028, 1030, 1031

— — casualties. 1016 future, 1016

— banks, 1025

— births, marriages, and deaths, 1007

— books of reference, 1033

— Chamber of Deputies, 1002

— chemicals, 1020, 1021

— circondari, 1003

— civil list, 1002

— colonies, &c. 187, 200, 274, 1016,

1017, 1027 sqq

— commerce, 1021

— communications, 1024

— communes, 1003, 1007

— constitution k government, 1002

— copper, 1020

— crops, 1019

— customs, 1022

— debt, 1014

— defence, 1015

— diplomatic representatives, 1026

— districts, 1003

— education, 1009

— electoral reform, 1002

— electorate, 1002, 100S

— emigration, 1007

— estimates, 1013

— finance, 1012

— fisheries, 1021

— foreign possessions, 187, 200, 274,

1016, 1017, 1027 sqq

— forestry, 1020

— fortresses, 1015

— frontier, 1015

— gold, 1020

— government, central, 1002 local, 1003

— illiteracy, 1009, 1011

— import duties, 1022

— insurance, 1026

— iron, 1020

— justice and crime, 1011

— King, 1001, 1028

— landed proprietors, 1019

— live stock, 1019

— local government, 1003

— manufactures, 1021

— mercantile marine, 1023

— mines and minerals, 1020, 1022

— ministry, 1003

— money and credit, 1025