Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1503

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Jamaica, posts and telegraphs, 342

— production. 342

— railways, 342

— religion. 341

— savings bank, 342

— shipping, 342

— sugar, 342

Jamestown (St. Helena), 197 Jamestown (New York), 584 Jammu and Kashmir, 122 Jamnagar (India). 127 Jiimtland (Sweden), province, 1302 Janesville (Wis.). 633

Janina, aw Yanina Japan, 1036 sqq

— agreements with China, 746, 747.


— agriculture, 1048

— area and population, 1040

— army, 1044

— banks, 1052

— births, marriages, deaths, 1040

— books of reference, 1060

— Chinese in, 750, 1040

— coal, 1049 ; exported, 1050

— commerce, 1049

— communications, 1051

— constitution and government, 1036

— copper, 1049, 1050

— crops, 1048

— debt, 1043

— defence, 1044

— dependencies, 419, 1054 sqq

— diplomatic representatives', 1053

— education, 1041

— emigration, 1040

— Emperor, 1036

— factories, 1049

— finance, imperial, 104^ local, 1043

— foreign possessions, 419, 746, 747,

1039, 1054 sqq

— foreigners, 1040

— forests, 1048

— Germans in (1918), 1040

— gold, 1049

— government, central, 1036 local, 1038

House of Peers, 1036, 1037 - House of Represtvs., 1036, 1037

— Imperial Diet, 1036, 1099

— import duties, 1050

— iron, 1049


Japan, islands, 1038, 1039 defence, 1045

— Japanese inAnstralia,389,415,1040 Brazil, 1040

in China, 746, 747, 748, 1040,


in Europe, 1040

in Hawaii, 640

in Korea, 1054

in Mexico, 1076

in Pacific, 421, 1059, 1060

in U.S.A., 457, 459, 460, 510,

638, 643, 647, 1040

— justice and crime, 1042

— leased territorv,746,747,1039,1058

— libraries, 1042

— live stock, 1048

— local finance, 1043

— local government, 1088

— mandate, 419, 1058, 1059

— manufactures, 1049

— Mikado, 1036

— minerals, 1049

— ministry, 1037

— money and credit, 1052

— money, weights, measures, 1052

— navy, 1045 sqq

— pauperism, 1042

— petroleum, 1049

— political parties, 1037

— posts, telegraphs, telephones, 1052

— prefectures, 1038, 1039

— production and industry, 1048

— railways, 1051 tunnel, 1051

— reigning sovereign, 1036

— religion, 1041

— representation, 1036. 1037, 103S

— rice, 1048

— royal family, 1036

— savings banks, 1052

■- shipbuilding yards. lu4o

— shipping and navigation, 1051

— silk, 754, 1049

— sugar, 1050

— tea, 1048, 1050

— textiles, 1049, 1050

— tobacco, 1048

— towns, 1040

— tramways, 1052

— universities, 1040

— wheat, 1048

Jarabaib (Italian Africa), 1030