Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1546

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Persia, sovereigns from 1794, 1163

— trade routes, 1169, 1170

— turquoise, 1168

— wheat, 1168, 1169

— wool, 1168, 1169 Persian. Gulf, minerals, 1168

— pearl fishery, 1168, 1342

— ports, 1166, 1169 ; see also Oman Perth (Scotland), population, 22

— (W. Australia), 403

mint, 363

university, 404

Perth Amboy (New Jersey), 578 Peru, 1174 sqq

— agriculture, 1178

— area and population, 1174

— army, 1178

— banks, 1181

— books of reference, 1182

— boundary treaties and disputes,

707, 734, 735, 771, 821, 1175, 1176

— Chinese in, 1174

— cinchona, 1179

— coal, 1179, 1180

— cocoa, 1178

— coffee, 1178

— commerce, 1179

— constitution and government, 1174

— copper, 1179, 1180

— cotton, 1178, 1180

— currency, 1181, 1182

— customs, 1180

— debt, 1177

— defence, 1178

— departments & prov., 1174, 1175,


— diplomatic representatives, 1182

— education, 1176

— finance, 1177

— forests, 1178

— gold, 1179

— guano, 1179

— House of Representatives, 1174

— imports and exports, 1179, 1180

— immigration, 1175

— Indians in, 1174, 1175

— justice, 1176

— mercantile marine, 1180

— minerals, 1179

— money and credit, 1181

— money, weights, & measures, 1182

— navy, 1178

Peru, petroleum, 1179. 1180

— port, 1180

— posts, telegraphs, telephones, 1181

— President, 1174

— production and industry, 1178

— provinces, 734, 735, 1174, 1175,


ceded by Chile, 734, 735, 1175,


— railways, 1180, 1181

— religion, 1176

— rice, 1178, 1179

— roads, 1180

— rubber, 1179

— Senate, 1174

— shipping and navigation, 1180

— silk, 1179

— sugar, 1178, 1180

— tobacco, 1179

— towns, 1175

— universities, 1176

— wheat, 1178, 1180

— wireless stations, 1181

— wool, 1179, 1180 Perugia (Italy), 1005 ; tn., 1007

— university, 1010 Peruvian Corporation, 1179 Pesaro (Italy), town, 1008 Pesaro e TJrbino (Italy), prov., 1005 PescadoresIslands(Japan), 1038, 1039,

1058 Peshawur (India), 127, 664 Pespire (Honduras), 988 Petchenga (Finland), 830, 831 Peten (Guatemala), timber, 980 Peter I. (King) (Serb, Croat, Slovene),

1264 Petersburg (Virginia), 624 Petit Bassam, see Port Bouet Petit-Popo (Togo), 902 Petit-Saconno/ (Switzerland), 1321 Petrikovka (Russia), 1228 Petrograd, prov., 1226;dkyds., I

— tn., 1228 ; univ.,1230 Petroleum, Naphtha, Natural Gas,

and Oil-yielding regions Algeria, 883 Bolivia, 709

Angola, 1203 Borneo, 98

Argentina, 674 Brazil, 720 Azerbaijan, Canada, 294, 1246 298,307.315,

Baluch'stn,161 321

Barbados, 340 China, 755