Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1557

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Rumania, agriculture, 1217

— area and population, 727, 1214

— army, 1216

— - banks, 1220

— births, marriages and deaths, 1215

— books of reference, 1221

— boundaries, 994

— Chamber of Deputies, 1213

— commerce, 1218

— communications, 1219, 1220

— constitution and government. 1213

— crops, 1218

— Danube navigation, 1219, 1220

— debt, 1216

— defence, 1216

— diplomatic representatives, 1220

— divorce, 1215

— education, 1215

— ethnic elements, 1215 finance, 1216

- foreigners in, 1215

- forests, 1

— franchise, 1225

— government, central, 1213 local, 1214

— illiteracy, 1215

— imports and exports, 1218, 1219

— justice, 1216

— King, 1213

— live stock, 1218

— local government, 1214

— manufactures, 1218

— merchant navy, 1219

— mining, 1218

— ministry, 1214

— money, weights, and measures, 1220

— navy, 1217

— petroleum, 1218

— political parties, 1213

— posts, telegraphs, telephones, 1220

— production and industry, 1217

— railways, 1220

— reigning Sovereign, 1213

— religion, 1215

— representation, 1213

— roads, 1220

— royal familv, 1213

— salt, 1218 *

— Senate, 1213

— shipping, 1219

— sugar, 1218

— territory gained, 72", 1213, 1214

— tobacco, 1218


Rumania, towns, 1215

— universities, 1216

— wheat, 1218

Kumelange (Luxemburg), 1072 Rumelia, Eastern, 726, 727 Runcorn, port, 79

Rupert's Land (Canada), 284, 328 Rurutu Island (French Paci6c), 912 (Bulgaria), 728 ; town, J

729, 732 Russell Island (Pacific). 44." Russia, 1223 sqq

— agriculture, 1234, 1235

— area and population, 1225 sqq

— army, 1225, 1232

— banks, 1224

— books of reference, 123S

— canals, 1237

ispian flotilla, 1233

— Central Executive Committee,

1223, 1225

— coal, 1235

- colonies, Brazil, 720

— commerce, 1236

— commercial representatives, 1238

— communications, 1237

— congress of Soviets, 1223, 1224, 1225

— constitution and government.

1224, 1225

— cotton, 1235

— convention with Japan, 74 7

— Council of People's Commissaries,

1223, 1224, 1225

— crops, 1218

— currency, 1231, 1237

— debt, 1232, 1249

— defence, 1225, 1232

— dependencies, 1224, 1227, 1242 sqq

— dockyards, 1233

— Duma, 1223

— education, 1229 sqq

— Emperor, abdication of, 1223

- exports and imports, 1236, 1237

— Extraordinary Commission, 1231

— finance, 1231 war, 1231, 1232

— fisheries, 1236

— flag, 1224

— flax, 1234, 1237

— forests, 1235

— government, central, 1223, 1224

— — local, 1225

— governments & provs., 1226, 1227

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