Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/169

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Agriculture, Commerce, Legislative, Education, Railways, and the Board of Industries and Munitions. At the head of >-ach. except the last two, is one of the secretaries to the Government of India. The President of the Railway Board is the head of the Railway De|<artment, and he is authorised to act as if he were a Secretary to the Government of India. The Foreign and Political Department is under the immediate superintendence of the Governor- G en eraf.

India is now divided into fifteen administrations, as follows : —

Madras : Governor, Rt Hon. Baron Wiilmgdon of Ratton, P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.I. E., G.B.E. (1919) ; salary, Ra. 1,23,000 per year. Area, 142,000 square miles ; population, at 1911 census, nearly 41% millions, mainly Hindus.

Bombay: Governor, Captain Sir G. A. I.hvd, G.O.I. E., D.S.O. (1918); salary, Rs. 1,28,000 per year. Area, 123,000 square miles; population in

1911, over 19% millions, mainlv Hindus.

Bengal: Governor, Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ronaldshay, G.C.I.E. (1917) ; salary, Rs. 1,28,000 per year. The province was reconstituted from April 1,

1912, and has an area of 78,700 square miles, and a population (1911 census) of nearly 45% millions, mainly Hindus and Mahomadans in almost equal proportions.

United Provinces of Agra and Oudh: Governor, Sir S. H. Butler, K.C S I., CLE. (1918) ; salary, Rs. 1,28,000 per year. Area, over 107,000 square miles, and population at 1911 census, over 47 million* (oyer 40 million Hindus and over 6% million Mahomadans).

The Punjab: Governor, Sir E. D. Maclagan, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E. (1919); salary, Ra. 1,00,000 per year. Area, 99,000 square miles ; population (1911), over 19 millions (10 million Mahomadans, 6% million Hindus, and 2 million Sikhs).

Burma: Lieut.-Governor, Sir R, H. Craddock, K. C.S.I. (1918); salary, Rs 1,00,000 per vear. Area, nearly 231,000 square miles; population (1911), over 12 millions, mainly Buddhists.

Bihar and Orissa: Governor, Rt. Hon. Lord Si aha of Raipur, K.C.S.I.,

K.C. (1920,; salary, Rs. 1,00,000 per year. The province was

ooustituted from April 1, 1912, out of Bengal, and contains the three great

sub-provinces of Bihar, Orissa, and Chota Nagpur. Area, over 83,000

square miles, and population (1911), nearly 34% millions, mainly Hindus.

Central Provinces and Berar : Governor, Sir F. G. Sly, K. C.S.I. (1920) ; salary, Rs. 72,000 per year. Area, nearly 100,000 square miles ; population (1911) nearly 14 millions, mainly Hindus.

Assam: Governor, Sir William Harris, K.C. I.E. (1921); salary, Rs. 66,000 p*r year. The province was separated from Eastern Bengal and reconstituted from Aprill, 1912. Area, 53,000 square miles ; population (1911), nearly 6J millions, over half being Hindus, and over a quarter Mahomadans.

N.W. Frontier Province : Chief Commissioner and Agent to the Governor- General : Sir A. H. Grant, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., (1919) ; salary, Rs. 48,000 per year. Area, 13,400 square miles; population (1911) nearly i\ millions, mainly Mahomadans.

Ajmer-Merwara : Agent to the Governor-General, Rajputana, and Chief Commissioner, The Honourable Mr. R. E. Holland, CLE. ^1919); salary, Rs. 48,000 per year. Area, 2,700 square miles ; population (1911),' about 500,000, mainly Hindus.