Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/223

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administered by a Collector and Magistrate under the Resident of Sungai Ujong since 1888)and Negri Sembilan were placed nnder one Resident ; and in July, 1895, a treaty was signed by -which the administrations were amalga- mated. The new federation, which retains the ancient name of Negri Sem- bilan, comprises the States of Sungai Ujong, Johol, Jelebu, Rembau and five smaller States. In 1887, by agreement with the Raja of Pahang, the control of his foreign relations, sc, was surrendered to the British Government. This was followed by a further agreement in 1 SS8 with the Raja (now styled Sultan), under which Tahang was taken under British protection, on the same terms as the Protected Native States on the west coast of the peninsula. Pahang is situate on the east coast, within 200 miles by sea from Singapore. In July, 1896, the treaty between the four Protected Native States, Perak, Selangor, Pahang, and Negri Sembilan, and the British Government came into force by which the administrative federation of these States under a Chief Secretary is provided for, and the States agree to furnish a contingent of troops for service in the Colony should His Majesty's Government be at war with any foreign nation.

The areas of these States, in square miles, are approximately: — Perak, 7,800 sq. miles: Selangor, 3,156 sq. miles; Negri Sembilan, 2,550 sq. miles ; Pahang, 14,000 square miles ; total, 27,506 sq. miles. Perak, by agreement with Siam, has been extended by about 1,000 square miles (in- cluded in the figures given above).

Population, census 1911: Perak, 494,057 (344,238 males and 149,819 females); Selangor, 294,035 (220,939 males and 73,096 females); Negri Sembilan, 130,199 (87,651 males and 42,548 females); Pahang, 118,708 (72,234 males and 46,474 females) ; total 1,036,999, (725,062 males, and 311,937 females). The population contained 420,840 Malays, 433,244 Chinese, 172,465 natives of India, 3,284 Europeans and Americans, and 2,649 Eurasians. The preponderance of males over females is due to the number of Chinese immigrants. Estimated population, 1919, 1,315,700. The largest town in the States is Kuala Lumpur (in Selangor) with about 60,000 inhabitants. Births, 1919, 32.335 ; deaths, 38,645.

The police force, with European officers, consists of an Indian and a Malay contingent. In 1919 there were 93 European officers, the Indian contingent numbered 279 non-commissioned officers and 1,554 constables, and the Malay contingent numbered 285 non-commissioned officers and 1,565 constables ; total, 4,677 officers and men. There is also a detective branch, in charge of Europeans, consisting of Chinese, Tamils, Malays, ie. Finger-print regis- tration of all criminals in the Malayan Peninsula is carried out under the direction of a Federated Malay States police officer stationed in Kuala Lumpur.

In Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang, in 1919, there were a number of English schools maintained or assisted by Government, with an average enrolment of 6,606 boys and 1,787 girls, and an average attendance of 6,143 and 1,651 respectively, and 390 (335 for boys and 55 for giris) Malay Vernacular schools, with an average enrolment of 20,261 scholars, and an average attendance of 16,851. The total number of schools (1919) was 533 with an average attendance of 27,323. There are several Chinese schools, but they are not under the control or supervision of the Education Department. Expenditure on education (excluding buildings) in 1919, 91.84U.

The laws in force in each State of the Federation are contained in enactments passed by the State Councils, up to December, 1909, and from that date, where more than one State is affected, by the Federal Council.