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receipts in 1915, Its. 3,291,109, including work done for Government Depart- ments valued at Rs. 310,269 ; expenditure, not including charge on debt, Rs. 3,555,607.

Of telegraphs and telephones there were (1919) 665 (including block telegraph for the railway) and 142| miles of line respectively ; there is cable communication with Zanzibar, Australia, Reunion, Madagascar, and Durban. In 1919 the Post Office dealt with 1,517,017 letters, 281,643 postcards, 1,712,375 newspapers, 11,604 parcels, and 445,475 telegrams.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

On June 30, 1919, the Government Savings Bank held deposits amounting to Rs. 3,726,724, belonging to 31,691 depositors.

All accounts are kept in Indian rupees. The metric system is in force.


Rodrigues (under a Magistrate). — 18 miles long, 7 broad. Area, 4 square miles, is about 320 miles east of Mauritius. Population (census 1911),'4,829 ; estimated end of 1918, 6,315 ; births (1918), 285 ; deaths, 54 Revenue (1916-17), 857Z. , and expenditure, 5,195?. ; imports (1919), Rs. 868,550 ; exports, Rs. 478,263. Two Government schools had (1917) 166 pupils in average attendance. Savings Bank (June 30, 1919), 91 de- positors and Rs. 29,552 deposits.

The Lesser Dependencies are Diego Garcia, Six Islands, Peros Banhos, Solomon Islands, Agalega, St. Brandon Group, Farquhar Island, Trois Freres. The nearest island is 230 miles from Mauritius, and the most remote about 1,200 miles. Total population of the lesser dependencies, ctnsus 1911, 1,861 (1,097 males, 764 females).

Diego Garcia (the most important of the Oil Islands Group), in 7° 20' S. lat., 72" 26' E. long., is 12J miles long, 6£ miles wide, with 517 inhabitants (census 1911), a large proportion negro labourers from Mauritius. 884,423 litres of coconut oil were exported in 1919 from the Lesser Dependencies. Other exports are coconuts, copra, guano, and salted fish.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Mauritius.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. London.

Colonial Office List. Annual. London.

Gleadoio (P.), Report on the Forests of Mauritius, 1904.

Reports on Mauritius, and on Rodrigues, in Colonial Reports. Annual. Loudon.

Statistical Abstractfortheseveralcolonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. Annual. London.

Mauritius Blue Book. Annual.

Mauritius Royal Commission 1909.

Jnder$on(3. P.), The Sugar Industry of Mauritius. London, 1899.

DecotttrCS.), Geographic de Maurice etde ses Dependances. Mauritius, 1891.

Keller(C), Madagascar, Mauritius, and other Past African Islands. London, 1900

Macmillan (A.), Mauritius Illustrated. London.

Mauritius Almanac. Mauritius.

The Mauritius Civil List. Mauritius.

Oxford Survey of the British Empire. Vol. III. London, 1914.

Bae(Vf. C), Handbook on the Constitution, Practice, and Proceedings of the Coqbch of Government. Mauritius, 1901.

Walter (A.), The Suj;ar Industry of M'"iitins. London, 1909.