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1.917,123/. ; raw hides, 601,346/. ; skins and furs, 2,277.305/. ; maize, 909,291/. ; maize meal, 821,275/. ; jams, kc, 158,756/. ; fish, 311,353/. The exports of diamonds to the United Kingdom in 1919, as given in the Cape returns, were 2,751,097 carats, value 11,535,850/. (these figures are not included in the table above). Exports from United Kingdom (British produce): cotton goods, 1,386,922/. ; woollens, 612,410/. ; apparel, 1,204,362/.; machinery, 472,438/. ; iron and steel goods, 1,135,561/.; leather boots and shoes, 170,474/. ; paper, 215,037/. ; chemicals, 297,045/.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the Cape of Good Hope.

1. Official Publications.

Colonial Office List. Annual. London.

Report on the liietfoutein area. By J. F. Herbst. Colonial Reports, Miscellareous Series, No. 55. London, 1908.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonies and other Possessions of ths United King- dom. Annnal. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Brown (A. S. and G. Q.), Guide to South Africa. Annual. London.

Bruce (J.), Impressions of South Africa. 3rd edition. London, 1899.

Bryden (H. A.), The Victorian Era in South Africa. London, 1S9". — History of South Africa, 1652-1903. London, 1904.

CoUjuhoun(\. R), The Afrikander Land. London, 1906.

Colvin (I. D.), Romance of South Africa. Cape Town, 1909.

Hatch and Corttorphine. Geology of South Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1909.

Henkel (C. C), History, Resources, and Productions of the Country between Cape Colony and Natal. [The Transkeian Territories.] London, 1903.

Hutchinson (G. T.), From the Cape to the Zambesi. London, 1905.

Johntton (Sir Harry), History of the Colonisation of Africa by Alien Races. Cam- bridge , 1S99.

Keane (A. H.), Africa, Vol. II. South Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1908.

Kidd(D.), The Essential Kaffir. London, 1904.— Savage Childhood. London, 1906.

Knight (E. F.), South Africa after the War. London, 1903.

Lucat (C. P.), Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Vol. IV. Oxford, 1899.

Orpen, Reminiscences of Life in South Africa. Cape Town. 1

Ortroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales Concervant L'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.

Playne (3.), Cape Colony : Its Historr, Commerce, Industries aud Resources. London," 1"!2.

Stow (G. W.), The Native Races of South Africa. London, 1905.

Theal(G. M.), South Africa. 4th edition. London, 1S99.— Progress of South Africa is the Century. Edinburgh, 1903.— History of South Africa. 3 vols. London. 1903-04.

The Government of South Africa 2 vols. Cape Town, 1908.

The South African Natives. London, 190S.

Trottrr (Mrs. A. P.), Old Cape Colony. London, 1903. Wallace(R.), Farming Industries of Cape Colony. London, 1896.

William* (Q. F.), The Diamond Mines of South Africa. London, 1903. ^ilmot (A). The Story of the Expansion of South Africa. 2nd edition. London 1397.— Book of South African Industries. Cape Town, 1892.— History of our own Times' in South Africa. 2 vols. London, 1S9S.