Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/296

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Finance.- Revenue, expenditure, and debt of Nigeria as a whole :-

Reyenue i Expenditure \ Debt

— ' ~~ ' £ £ £

1 048 380 ! 3,596,764 8,267,569

1914 . litl'lli 3 609 638 8,470,593

1916 s'492 788 l 3 219 957 8 > 4 ™,593

1917 ..••••• 3 4 ; f 4 'jf 3,459',774 3,470,593

1918 ! '0=9498 4,529,176 11,997,118

1919 . • • • • • • *.•"*■«-» i !

Eastern Railway from Port Hare™ ; in 1918 t >m**edM W c J„ on , „„ ft, Eastern RaUway and "^•^^, and 95,720*.

1919 was 91,812*. —Customs, 1,897,937*. ;

The main items of revenue ^ 1919 /. e ™- ^ ourt &c , 301,153..

Railway, 1,042,817..; Marine, 448,812*. , moiic

113,8252. ■ . (,, , • a. Northern Provinces a

There is established m each na J^Steto m^ort^ .^

Treasury, locally known as a Keit-el-Mai wnicn „ native

of that portion of the local revenue w hich is annual J "^^^ The administration of each Emu-ate for ^ rappoit aj aa f the


« j *•*« «««1 Triflnqtrv— The products are palm-oil (exports 191. Production and Industry. " P . bb gl . ou „d-nuts

100,967 tons) and kerne s C^^J^^^S^^SgLa^-ijJ^ cotto. shea-butter ivory, hides liv > stock, ostnc kola .A uts and variou:

(output 1919, estimated at 60,221 cwt ), coco , seedlin „ s iu fa

drugs. Tobacco is also grown. Theieaie musi1 '^'^ Onitsha Oloke-Meji Southern Provinces, and .botany 1 datum at Ca aba , O taha ^^ and Agege, and at Mayganna BuU, /am a 1 i

Provinces. Mahogany is export ^Jf^L ^d tin for centuries. Biol and dyed. The natives nave worked H J » ^ tin-bearing area • alluvial deposits of tin o^ay^bwn d^ovarea. . ^ . q fch

f M as it is now known ^^^J^S* bdnfi ^7.686 tons, and ther Northern Provinces .the output pt t » ^ n 1J1S Mrcing t, ^ bee:

are also deposits of tin in *• ^^"^f^c,., which is connect*

^SS^SSiiffi ^0"^^ Theco^ is of good q «lit,