Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/305

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Books of Reference. Gambia, Gold Coast, and Sierra Leonk.

The Annual Blue Books of the various Colonies, and Reports thereon.

The Colonial Office List. Annual.

The Gambia Colony and Protectorate. An Official Handbook. Annual.

Papers relating to the Construction of Railways in Sierra Leone, Lagos and the Gold Coast. London, 1904.

Statistical Abstract for the Colonies. Annual.

Alldridgt (T. J.), The Sberbro and its Hinterland. London, 1901— A Transformed

Archer (F. B.), The Gambia Colony. London, 1905. Colony. Sierra Leone London, 1910.

Armitagt (C. H.) and Montaro (A. F.), The Ashanti Campaign of 1900. London, 1901.

BaiUand (Emile), La Politique indigene de TAngleterre en Afrique occidental*. Paris, 1912.

Barroxc (A. H.), Fifty Tears in Western Africa. London, 1900.

Cardinali (A. W.), The Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. London, 19?0

Ctaridgt (W. W.), A History of the Gold Coast and Ashanti, from the Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century. 2 vols. London, 1915.

Crook* (J. J.), A H-.storv of Sierra Leone. Dublin, 1903.

Ellis (A. B.), History of the Gold Coast of West Africa. London, 1893.— The Yornba-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast. Loudon 1894.— The Ewe-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast. London, 1S90.— The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast. Lon- don. 1SS7. — West African laUnds. London, 1885.

F- rry man (A. F. Mockler), Imperial Africa. Vol.1. London, 189S.

Freeman (H. A), Travel and Life in Ashanti and Jaman. London, 1898.

Fuller (Sir Francis C). A Vanished Dynasty— Ashanti. London, 19S0.

Gaunt (Mary). Alone in West Africa. 2nd ed. London. 1912.

George (C). The Rise of British West Africa. London, 1903.

Uayford (C.), Gold Coast Native Institutions. London. 1903.

Ingham (Bishop E. G.), Sieire Leone after a Hundred Tears. London, 1194.

Johmten (Sir Harry), The C jlonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.

Kemp (D.) Nine Years on the Gold Coast. London, 1S98.

King$ley (Mary H.), Travels in West Africa. London, 1S97.— West African Studies 2nd ed. London, 1901.— The Story of West Africa. London, 1899.

Kitson (H. E.), The Gold Coast. (GeographicalJournal, November, 1916).

Lukaeh (H. C). A Bibliography of Sierra Leone. Oxford, 1910.

Lucas (C. P.), Historical Geographvof the British Colonies. West Africa. 3rd edition, revised to end of 1912 by A. B. Keith. Oxford, 1913.

Afor^l (E. D.), Affairs of West Africa. London, 1902.

Seieland (H. O.), Sierra Leone : its people, products, and secret societies. London, 1916.

Ortroz (F. Van). Conventions Internationales concernantl" Afrique. Brussels, 189.

Pierion (A. T.), Seven Years in Sierra Leone. London, 1897.

Pomell(U. S. Baden), The Downfall of Prempeh. New ed. London, 1900.

Reeve (H. F.), The Gambia : Its History, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern. London, 1915.

Reindorf(C. C). History of the Gold Coast and Ashanti. Basel, 1895.

Roth (H. Ling), Great Benin : Its Customs, Ac. London, 1903.

Thomas (N. W.i. Anthropological Report on Sierra Leone. London, 1916.

Walli$ (C. B.), The Advance of our West African Empire. London, 1903.


Togo, with Little Popo and Porto Scguro, iu Upper Guinea, between the Gold Coast Colony on the west and French Dahomey on the east ; area 33, 700 square miles; estimated coloured population (1913) 1,031,978; estimated European population, 1919, 125. Coast line about 31 miles, but inland the territory, between the rivers Volta and Monu, widens to four or five times that breadth. Lome, the only port and capital, and Anecho, are on the coast. The government stations are Lome, Anecho, Misahbhe, Atakpame, Kete- Kratchi, Sokode, Yendi and Sansane-Mangu. Togoland was surrendered un- conditionally by the Geimans to British and French forces in August, 1914. The Colony is now divided between the French and British. The British have obtained about oue-third of the country, 1 2, 500 square miles, bordering the Gold Coast territories, but no part of the sea-coast.