Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/308

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Von Puttkamer (I.), Gouverneursjahre. Berlin, Sembritzki (E.), Kainerun. Berlin, 1909. Zimmermann (E ), Neukainerun. Berlin, 1913. Zintgraf (Eugcn), Nord-Kamerun. Berlin, 1895.

Zululand. See Natal




Fliad I. Ahmed Fuad Pasha, G.C.B, was horn in 1868, son of the Khedive Ismail Pasha ; became Sultan on October 9, 1917 ; married the Princess Nazli on May 24, 1919.

The present sovereign of Egypt is the eighth ruler of the dynasty of Muhammad AH, appointed Governor of Egypt in 1805, who made himself, in 1811, absolute master of the country by force of arms. The position of the Sultan's father, Ismail I. — forced to abdicate, under pressure of the British and French Governments, in 1879 — was recognised by the Imperial Hatti Sherif of February 13, 1841, issued under the guarantee of the five great European Powers. The title given to Muhammad Ali and his immediate successors was the Turkish one of ' Vali,' or Viceroy ; but this was changed by an Imperial firman of June 12, 1867, into the Persian-Arabic of ' Klridew- Misr,'or, as more commonly called, Khedive. By a firman issued June 8, 1873, the Sultan of Turkey granted to Ismail I. the rights hitherto withheld of concluding commercial treaties with foreign Powers, and of maintaining armies. On December 18, 1914, a British Protectorate over Kgypt was declared, and the next day a Proclamation was issued deposing Abbas Hilmi, lately Khedive of Egypt, and conferring the title of Sultan of Egypt upon Hussein Kamil, eldest living prince of the family of Muhammad Ali. The British Protectorate has been recognised by Fiance, Russia, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Portugal, and the United States of America. Sultan Hussein Kamil died in 1917, and was succeeded by his brother.

The new Egyptian flag consists of three white crescents with their backs to the staff, each with a five-pointed white star between the horns on a red field. This flag was the personal standard of the Khedive, and now takes the place ot the former national flag, which was distinguished from the Turkish by having a star of. five instead of six points. The predecessors of the present ruler of Egypt were —

Born Died Reigned

Muhammad Ali, founder of the dynasty 1769 1849 1811-48

Ibrahim, son of Muhammad . . . 1789 1848 June— Nov. 1848 Abbas, grandson of Muhammad . . . 1813 1854 1848-54

Said, son of Muhammad 1822 1863 1854-63

Ismail, son of Ibrahim 1830 1895 1863-79

Muhammad Taufiq, son of Ismail . . 1852 1892 1879-92

'Abbas Hilmi, grandson of Ismail . . 1874 1892-1914

Hussein Kamil, son of Ismail . . . 1854 1917 1914-1917

British Representatives.

His Majesty'* High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan. — His Excel- lency Field-Marshal Viscount AlUnby, G.C.B,, G.C.V.O., G.C.M.G., D.S.O., etc., appointed October, 1919.

Counsellor.— Sir Milne Cfuclham, K.C.M.G.

Consul- General at Alexandria. — D. A. Cameron, C. M.G.