Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/332

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Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados. See West Indies.


Governor. — General Sir James Willcocks, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., D.S.O. {3,300?.), assisted by an Executive Council of 7 members appointed by the Crown, a Legislative Council of 9 members, also appointed by the Crown, and a representative House of Assembly of 36 members ; 1,413 electors.

A Colony, with representative government, consisting of a group of 360 small islands (about 20 inhabited), 580 miles east of North Carolina, and 677 miles from New York, noted for their climate and scenery ; favourite winter resort for Americans, who number some 22,000 annually.

Area, 19*3 square miles (12,360 acres, 4,000 under cultivation). Civil population on December 31, 1919, 21,869 (including 7,441 whites) ; 12,750 belong to Church of England (census 1911). In 1919 the birth-rate was 24 "87 and the death-rate was 17'28 per 1,000 ; illegitimate births formed 14*3 per cent, of the total births, 1918 ; there were 155 marriages in 1918. In 1918 the excess of immigration over emigration was 36. Education: There are no Government schools in Bermuda, but education is compulsory, and Govern- ment assistance is given by the payment of grants, and, where necessary, school fees. The aided schools must reach a certain standard of efficiency, and submit to Government inspection and control. In 1918 30 aided primary schools, with 2,576 pupils, received Government grants, 2,853/. annually. There are 3 garrison schools and 2 naval schools ; about 17 other primary schools, and 4 secondary schools receiving no Government grant. Cambridge local examinations are held in Bermuda. A Government scholarship (150/. for 2 years) is provided annually to enable youths educated in Bermuda to go abroad to prepare themselves for a Rhodes scholarship. Chief town Hamilton, 2,627 population. Bermuda is an important naval baBe on the North America and West India Station, with dockyard, victualling establishment, &c. Police force, 1918, 48.

— 1918





100,447 105,867


£ 91,645 90,684


Revenue . 80,576 Expenditure . 87,779




£ 107,055 109,652

£ 119,091 107,240

Chief source of revenue: customs, 87.80S/. in 1919. Chief items of expenditure: salaries, public works, education. Public debt (1919), 40,000/.