Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/365

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Finance.— Revenue

and expenditure

> for six

years : —






1 Expenditure.

1913 1915 1916

Dollars. 5,788,070 5,524,911 5,897,807

Dollars. 5,314,849 5.698,059 6,147,780

1917 1918 1919

Dollars. 6,692,985 6,723,013


Dollars. 6,S60.S53 7,80-


Production and Industry. — Manitoba is essentially fitted for agri- culture, more particularly for grain production. The total area under field crops in 1919 was 6,344,318 acres. Field crops 1920, 6,020.000 acres, 134 million dollars. In 1920 2,984,000 acres produced 48,191,000 bushels of wheat; 1,873,000 acres produced 57,657.000 bushels of oats; 839,000 acres produced 17,520,000 bushels of barley ; 146,000 acres produced 1,158,000 bushels of flax ; 37,000 acres produced 3,410,000 tons of potatoes ; 149,000 acres produced 2,319,000 bushels of rye ; 209,000 acres produced 312,000 tons of hay and clover. There were 379,000 horses in the Province in 1919, 167,000 sheep, 262,000 pigs, 782,000 cattle, and 2,731,000 poultry. Increase in value of live stock in 1919, 27,000,000 dollars.

Total value of minerals. 1919, 2,868,000 dollars, largely building material and copper. The Province has proved gold aud copper deposits of vast extent which are being developed. Value of fisheries (1919) 1,008,000 dollars. Value of lumber cut in 1918, 1,240,000 dollars.

Production of creamery butter 1919, 8.256,71 lib., value 4,458,623 dollars ; dairv butter, 10,804,225 lb., value 4,753,000 dollars; cheese, 680,000 lb., value 180,000 dollars. Total value of dairy products, 1919, 16,800,000 dollars.

Statistics of manufactures for 191S : 1,444 industrial establishments with a capital of 105,9S3,000 dollars; employing 22,808 wage-earners; wages aud salaries, 23,031,000 dollars; cost of materials used, 92,600,000 dollars ; and value of products, 145,030,000 dollars.

Communications. — Iu the year 1920, the Province had 4,463 miles of railway as compared with 3,074 miles in 1S07. There were 191 miles of telephone wire.

Books of Reference

Reports of the various Government Departments.

Bulletin VIII., Fifth Census of Canada (Agriculture of Manitoba).

Bourn (H. J.), and Brown (A. G.), The Prairie Provinces of Canada. London, 1914.

Bryee (G.), Manitoba : Its Infancy, Growth, and Present Position. London

Campbell, (J. A.). Northern Manitoba. Manitoba, 1917.

Manitoba Public Service Bulletin (monthly).

St* also under Canada.

NEW BRUNSWICK. Constitution and Government. — New Brunswick was discovered by Jacques Carrier in 1534. It was acquired by the English under the Treaty of Utrecht iu 1713, and was settled by the English as early as 1761. In 178*4 it was separated from Nova Scotia. The Government is at present vested in • a Lieutenant-Governor and a Legislative Assembly of 48 members elected for five years. Franchise — any male or female British subject of full age, .after six months' residence. Last election. October, 1920: — Liberals 24, Conservatives 13, Farmers 9, Labour 2.