Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/373

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The mineral production in 1919 included gold, 505,964 ozs., valued at 10,451,709 dollars ; silver, 11,363,252 ozs., 12,904,812 dollars; nickel in EiatU', 22,035 short tons ; copper in matte, 12,099 Bhort tons ; iron ore export iiort tons, 48,341 dollars ; total iron ore shipments, 195,919

short tons ; pig iron (from Ontario ore only), 46,769 short tons, 1,200,798 dollars; total pig iron produced, 623,586* short tons, 16,010,537 dollars; Portland cement, 2,022,575 barrels, 3,659,720 dollars; crude petroleum, il gallons, 632,789 dollirs ; natural gas, 11,085,819 million cub. it., 2,583,324 dollars; salt, 148,112 short tons, 1,395,368 dollars. Total value of minerals in 1918, 80,308,972 dollars ; in 1919, 58,883,916 dollars. Producing mines, quarries, smelters and refineries employed 17,228 men, whose wages amounted to 20,478,835 dollars.

Value of fisheries (1916-17) 2,659,000 dollars. Men employed numbered about 4,100. The catch in 1917 was 35 million lb.

Total area of forests 102,000 square miles ; chief timber is spruce, pine and poplar.

In 1918 Ontario had 15,337 industrial establishments, with a capital of 1,442,221,000 dollars, employing 320,808 wage-earners; wages and salaries, i 302,399,000 dollars; cost of materials, 905,153,000 dollars; value of pro- ducts, 1,640,772,000 dollars.

(Commerce and Communications. — In 1916-17 the exports amounted to 481,932,000 dollars, and the imports for consumption to 449,607,000 dollars In 1917 there were 11,049 miles of railway in Ontario, as com- I pared with 7,368 in 1907. The construction is contemplated, beginning in 1919, of a modern stone highway from Ottawa west to the St. Clair river. There were (1917) 646,584 miles of telephone wires.

Books of Reference.

o Hand Book, issued by Colonization Branch, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. Reports of various Government Departments. Bu.let.n VII. Fifth Census of Canada (Agriculture of Ontario). See also under Canada.


Constitution and Government. — Prince Edward Island was taken into the Confederation on July 1, 1873. From 1534 tc 1798 it was known . St. Jean. The Provincial Government is administered by a Lieutenant- Governor and a Legislative Assembly of 30 members, who are elected for 4 years, half by real property holders and the remainder by universal male and frmale suffrage. Women can also be elected to the Assembly. State of Parties in 1919 (elected July, 1919) :— Conservatives, 4; Liberals, 26.

Lieutenant-Governor. — Hon. Murdock McKinrum.

The members of the Ministry are as follows : —

Premier. — Hon. John H. Bell, K.C.

Attorney-General.— Hon. J. J. Johnston, K.C.

Provincial Secretary- Treasurer and Commissioner /or Agriculture. — Hon. Vf. M. Lea.

Commissioner of Public Works.— Hon. Cyrus W.

Ministers without Portfolio.— Ron. Benj. Gallant ; Hon. George E. Wtughes ; Hon. David Macdonald ; Hon. Fred. J. Nash ; Hon. Robert Cox.