Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/382

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Governor.— Sir Wilfrid Collet, K.C.M.G. (3,000*. and 1,000*. Con- tingencies).

Government Secretary.— C. Clementi, C.M.G. (1,350*.-1,500*.)

Includes the settlements of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice, named from the three rivers. The Governor is assisted by a Court of Policy of seven official and eight members elected by the registered voters and a Combined Court, containing, in addition to the above, six financial representa- tives elected by the registered voters. The Combined Court considers the Estimate of Expenditure, raises the Ways and Means to meet it, and this Court alone can levy taxes. Executive and administrative functions are exercised by the Governor and an Executive Council. There are 5,125 registered electors. The law of the Colony, both civil and criminal, is based on the common and statute law of England, except that the English law of personal property applies to both movable and immovable property, with certain exceptions, and the Roman-Dutch legitimatisation per sub- sequens matrimonium is preserved.

Area, 89,480 square miles. Population at census 1911 (excluding aborigines in the unfrequented parts of the colony, who are estimated at about 13,000), 296,000 (males 154,000, females 142,000). Estimated population, December 31, 1919, 305,991 (males, 158,521 ; females, 147,470). Births (1919) 7,938 (26-0 per 1,000); deaths, 12,377 (40 -4 per 1,000). Capital, Georgetown, 53,580. Living on sugar estates (census 1911), 70,922; Im- migration Department estimate East Indians (1919), 60,686 ; in villages and settlements, 125,800, East Indians (1919), 70,068. Of the total, 105,400 were agricultural labourers. Immigrants from India (1919), nil. The s.s. Sutlej sailed with 513 males and 227 females during 1919. 224 schools re- ceived Government grant (32,053Z. in 1919) ; 33,952 pupils; average daily attendaii2e, 17,468. Secondary education is provided for both boys and girls.

Paupers (1917) receiving out-door relief, 1,884.

Revenue and expenditure for 6 years : —



1914-15 : 1916S




Revenue Expenditure


. I 608,633 . 592,532'

£ jg 586,598 669,385 622,025V 642,483

£ 736,473 733,689

£ 863,625 774,481

£ 862,491 886,568

i Excluding 4S,31'2l. in 1913-14, 72,0881. in 1914-16, Extraordinary Expenditure on ' Loau Works,' temporarily charged against Revenue, pending the raising of an authorised Loan. 2 March year changed to calendar year.

Chief items of revenue (1919): customs, 390,106*.; Excise and licences, 212,902*. Expenditure on general administration, 78,742/. ; law and justice, 118,760/.; charity, 132,497*.; education, 45,310*.; public works, 152,556*. ; Post Office, 29,419*.; Science and Agriculture, 14,917*. Public debt (funded), December 31, 1919,1,169,094*. Post-office savings bank, 33,571 depositors (December 31, 1919), credited with 324,654*.

Under cultivation, about 190,000 acres, including (1919) 70,876 acres in sugar canes; 61,044 acres under rice; coconuts, 27,458 acres; coffee, 5,125 acres ; cacao, 2,147 acres ; Para rubber, 4,042 acres ; limes, 1,335 acres. Live stock (1919) estimated at : cattle, 79,097 ; horses, 890 ; sheep, 19,367; goats, 10,886; swine, 15,394; donkeys, 6,915. British Gui.-ma is rich in gold. Mining commenced in 1884, and from 1884 to December 31, 1919, the output is valued at 9,356,760*. ; in the year 1919,