Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/393

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Jamaica was taken by the English in 1655, and their possession was con- firmed by the Treaty of Madrid, 1670. In 1661 a Representative Council was established ; this was abolished in 1S66, bnt in 1884 a partially elective Legislative Council was instituted. Women were enfranchised in 1919.

Governor.— Sir Leslie Probyn, K.C.M.G., appointed April 30, 1918 (5,500/.), assisted by a Privy Council and a Legislative Council, consisting of the Governor as President and of 5 er-officio, 10 nominated, and 14 elected members. The term of service is limited, in the case of elected members only, to five years. There are boards elected in each parish do) for administration of local affairs.

Attached to it are Turks and Caicos Islands, Cayman Islands, Morant Cays, and Pedro Cays. Area of Jamaica, 4,207 square miles; Turks and Caicos Islands, ic. . 224 souare miles. Total, 4,481 square miles. Population (census, 1911) : Jamaica, 831,883 (males, 897,439 ; females, 433,944) ; white, 15,605 ; coloured, 163,201; black, 630,181 ; East Indian 19,194 ; Chinese, 2, ill ; not stated, 2,905. Estimated population, December 31, 1919, 893,580. Capital. Kingston, 57.379 (eeusus, 1911). Other towns (census, 1911) — Spanish Town, 7,119; Port Antonio, 7,074; Montego Bay, 6,616; Savanna-la-Mar. 3.400: Pom Maria, 2.833; St. Ann's Bay, 2,592; Falmouth, 2,288. Births (1919), 29,917 (33*5 per 1,000); deaths, 19,857 (222 per 1,000) ; marriages, 3,305 (37 per 1,000). Total East India immi- grants on March 31, 1918, 20,206, of whom 1,882 were under indentures.

There is no Established Chnrch. The churches and chapels are as fol- lows (1918):— Church of England, 236 ; Presbyterian, 80 ; Roman Catholic, 51 ; Wesleyan Methodist, 13S ; Baptist, 203; Moravian, 30 ; Christian Church, 25 ; Congregational, 81 ; National Baptist Convention of America, 30 ; United Methodist Free Church, 44 : Church of Scotland, 12 ; Salvation Army, 25 ; Seventh Day Adventists, 52 ; Jewish, 8. No accurate staj of members.

In 1919-20 there were 694 public elementary schools, 90,136 children

enrolled, average attendance 60,001. Government grants, 74,865/. Three

training colleges for women ; one for men. Two secondary schools largely

supported by Government. There are endowed secondary and high schools

in receipt of grants-in-aid from the Government, and industrial schools.

There is a high court of justice, circnit courts, and a resident magistrate

'■ in "each parish. Total summary convictions (1919-20), 16,918; before

' superior courts, 9,704. Prisoners in gaol, March 31, 1920, 2,991. In

1919-20 there were 918 police officers and 1,049 district constables, actual


Financial and commercial statistics for 6 years : —

Reyenue l . Customs Expenditure Public Debt Import.* - Exports 2 .

1913-14 (Pre-war)



1.065,485 3,810,447 2,837,446



'. 1.132,049


! 1,105,942



I 2,228,664


1,154,349 449,871 1,076,237 3,811,346 3,107,004 2,821,234



1,052,485 396.602

'..'v>.4-'-9 3,797,273 3,323.942 2,479,107

i Includes Cnstoms'Revenne. 2 Calendar years 1914 to 1919.







-•'-4.— 7


£ 1.602,778 691,024 1,444.818 3,912,574 5,0?5,615 5,027,328