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males and 26,301 females). Estimated population, Dec. 31, 1919, 54,989 (25,803 males and 29,136 females). Chief town, Castries. Births April to Dec, 1919, 1,433 ; deaths, 934 ; marriages, 246. Education (Dec. 31, 1919) : ools (7 Protestant, 45 Roman Catholic*, with 6,390 pupils on roll ; Government grant, April-Dec., 1919, 3,160/. Secondary education is carried on in 2 other schools which are in receipt of a Government Grant of, together, 5502. per annum.

Revenue in 1919 (April-Dec), 72,2422., of which 27,137/. was from customs; expenditure, 63,1752: (Revenue 1918-19, 78,284/., expenditure, 77,916/.). Public debt, 155,4S0/. Value of imports (1919), 322,769/. (coal, 89,967/.): of exports, 431,259/., including 199,525/. for bunker coal. Value of imports from Unitt-d Kingdom, 55,817/.; United States, 172,717/. ; la, 57,008/ ; of exports to United Kingdom, 161,114/. Total ship- ping, 1,219,397 tons of which 875,645 tons were British.

Sugar, cocoa, lime juice, molasses and syrup, lime oil, bay oil, honey,

hides, logwood, fuel, and rum are the chief products. Savings banks

of 1919), 1,353 depositors, 20,689/. deposits. Letters and post-cards

despatched (April-Dec, 1919), 66,502; parcels, 427. There are 238 miles

of telephone line.

Currency : British and American gold, British silver and copper coins, arid notes of the Colonial Bank.

Port an importaut coaling station and a naval base.

Books of Reference on the West Indies.

Statistical Abstract for the Colonies, Ac. Annual. London.

Blue Books of the respective Colonics; Tue Colonial Ofie* Lift; The Jamaica Gaztitt. The Official Gazette of Barbados.

AlUn(0 M. land Barb «r(T.', Narrativeofa Trip to the Bahamas. Cainbridgejfass.,1905. A$pinall(A K.), The British West Indies. London. 191J. Buikeleu (O. T.), The Lesser Antilles. London, 1S89. Bunion (K. J.), A Handbook of St. Kitti Nevis. London, 1920. Barbados Handbook. Annual.

Caldccot (A.), The Church in the West Indies. London, 18V*.

Citndall (F.). Studies in Jamaica History. London, 1900. — Jamaica in 1912, London, Historic Jamaica. Jamaica. 1915. — The Handbook of Jamaica for 1920. London, 1920. -orth (F.). The Book of the West Indies. London, 1904. Fi*ke (A. K.), History of the West Indies. New York, 1899.

ik (H. A.). Roaming through the West Indies. London, 1921. Frou.dc (J. A.), The English in the West Indies. London, 18S8. Gardner (W. J.), History of Jamaica. 2nd ed. London, 1909. Grenada Handbook, Director)-, 4c. London. Annual. Grieve (8yiuington), Notes upon the Island of Dominica. London, 1907. Handbook of Jamaica. London, annual. Henderson (J.). Jamaica. London, 1907.

Bigham(C. S. S). The Development of the Leeward Islands, 1660-16&*. Cambridge I Bill (R. T.). The Geology and Phvsical Geography of Jamaica. Cambridge, Mass., 1899. Kenne (A H.), Central and South' America, *c London, 1901. Lan-iford(0. V). History of Antigua. 3 Tola. London, 1899. £i'*-t (H. G. De), Twentieth Century Jamaica. Jamaica, 1913. ■ingttone (W. P.), Black Jamaica. London, 1900.

P.lana AtcUley (C.), Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Vol. II. Ind ed. London, 1905.

Pifmoj* (F. W.), The Development of the British West Indies. London, 1918.

>*-Burrp (B.), Jamaica as it is. London, 1903. — Ethiopia in Exile: Jamaica tea. London. 1905. S«1»«(E.\ Xouvelle Geographic Dniverselle. Vol. XVII. London, IS $8. iy (J. ), The West Indies and The Spanish Main. London, 1896. •»»rpk(SirR. H.), History of Barbados. London, 1848. net (G. B.), Editor, The Bahama Islands. London, 1905. •■Ur (E. G). The Barbados Handbook. London, 1912. Mark (J. H.), Guides to the West Indies. 6 vols. London, 1898. .Trinidad and Tobago Year Book.

ra i" ero Life and Adventures in the West Indies. London, 1914. ' crrui (A. H.), Isles of Spice and Palm [Lesser Antilles]. New York, 1916. naiker (H. de R.), The West Indies and the Empire (1900-01). London, 1901.