Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/440

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Books of Reference.

Mineral Statistics of Victoria. Annual. Melbourne.

Statistics of Friendly Societies in Victoria. Annual. Melbourne.

Victorian Year Book. By A. M. Laughton. Melbourne.

Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia. By G. H. Knibbs. Melbourne.

Year Book of Australia. Gordon <fe Gotch, London and Melbourne.

Handbook to Victoria. Melbourne, 1014.

Dickson (W.), The Mrrfing Industry of the State of Victoria for 1913. Melbourne, 1914.

Finn (Edmund), Chronicles of Early Melbourne. 2 vols, illustrated. Melbourne, 1889.

Gregory (J. W.), Geography of Victoria, Historical, Physical, and Political. Mel- bourne, 1907.

Jenla (E.), The Government of Victoria.

Labilliere (Francis Peter), Early History of the Colony of Victoria, from its Discovery to its Establishment as a Self-governing Province of the British Empire. 2 vols. London 187S.

Mennell (Philip), The Dictionary of Atistralasian Biography. Melbourne, 1392.

Murray (A. S.), Twelve Hundred Miles on the River Murray. Londou, 1898.

RusdeniG. W.), The Discovery, Survey, and Settlement of Port Phillip. Loudon, 1SV2.

Smith (J.), Cyclopedia of Victoria, 1903.

Smith (R. B. ), The Aborigines of Victoria. 2 vols. London.

Turner (H. G.), History of the Colony of Victoria. 2 vols. London, 1904.

See also under Australia.

QUEENSLAND Constitution and Government.

Queensland, formerly a portion of New South Wales, was formed into a separate colony in 1859,- and responsible government was conferred. The power of making laws and imposing taxes is vested in a Parliament of two Houses — the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly. The former consists of 61 members, nominated by the Crown for life ; but no limit is put to the number. The Legislative Assembly comprises 72 members, returned from 72 electoral districts for three years, elected by ballot. Members of the Assembly are entitled to payment of 3001. per annum, with travelling expenses, and an allowance for stationery and postage. At the General Election of October, 1920, there were 455,728 persons registered as qualified to vote under the ' Electors Act Amend- ment Act of 1914.' This provides for male and female adult franchise, a twelve months' continuous residence in the State being the only proviso.

Governor of Queensland. — Lieut -Col. Sir Matthew Nathan, G.C.M.G. (1920). (Salary, 3,000Z.)

Lieutenant-Governor. — Hon. W. Lcnnon,

The Executive Council of ministers consists (1920) of the following members : —

Premier, Chief Secretary, and Vice-President of the Exeeutivt Council. — Hon. E. G. Theodore.

Home Secretary. — Hon. W. MeQbrmach

Treasurer a in I &ecrttary>fon Public. Works. — Hon. J. A. Fihelly.

Secretary for Public Limit, lion. J. II. Coyne.

Secretary for Ml nrs. Hon. A. .1. Jones, M.L.C.

Secretary for Railways. -Hon. J. Ldrconih,-.

Secretary for Public Instruction.-' Hon. J. Nuxham.