Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/448

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that of having been on the electoral roll for 6 months, and of having arrived at 21 years of age ; and the qualifications for a member are the same. There were 255,529 (132,632 women) registered electors in 1919. Judges and ministers of religion are ineligible for election as members. The election of members of both houses takes place by ballot.

The executive is vested in a Governor appointed by the Crown and an Executive Council, consisting of 6 responsible ministers and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Governor of South Australia. — Lieutenant-Colonel Sir W. E. G. A. Weigall, K.C.M.G. (April, 1920).

The Chief Justice (Hon. Sir G. J. R. Murray, K.C.M.G., 2,000*.)' being also Lieutenant-Governor, acts pending a new appointment, or during the absence of the Governor.

The'Governor has a salary of 4,000Z. per annum. The departments of the Public Service are controlled by the following ministers : —

Premier and, Attorney -General. — Hon. H. N. Barwell, LL.B., M.P.

Chief Secretary and Minister of Marine — Hon. J. G. Bice, M.L.C.

Treasurer and Minister of Education. — Hon. G. Ritchie, M.P.

Commissioner of Public Works, Minister of Railways, and Minister of Industry. — Hon. W. Hague, M.P.

Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Irrigation, and Minister of Mines. — Hon. T. Pascoe, M.L.C.

Commissioner of Ciuwn Lands and Immigration and Minister of Repatriation. — Hon. G. R. Laffer, M.P.

The Ministry has a total salary of 5.000Z. per annum. They are jointly and individually responsible to the Legislature for all their official acts, as in the United Kingdom.

A gent- General for South Australia in London. — Sir E. Lucas.

The settled part of the State is divided into counties, hundreds, muni- cipalities, and district councils, the last being the most general, as they cover most of the settled districts. The ratepayers have the power of levying rates, &c. , and applying the funds for road-making and other purposes. There are 49 counties, blocks of country thrown open for agricultural purposes. There are 3 extensive pastoral districts — the western, northern, and north-eastern. There are 34 municipalities and 149 district councils.

Area and Population.

The original boundaries of the State, according to the statute of 4& 5 Will. IV. cap. 95, were fixed between 132° and 141° E. long, for the eastern and western boundaries, the 26° of S. lat. for the northern limit, and for the South the Southern Ocean. The boundaries were subsequently extended, under the statute of 24 and 25 Victoria, cap. 44. By Royal Letters Patent, dated July 6, 1863, all the territory lyitlg northward of 26° S. latitude and between the 129th and 138th degrees of East longitude, and now known as the Northern Territory (see below), was added. On January 1, 1911, this Territory was transferred to the Commonwealth. Total area of South Australia proper is 380,070 square miles, i.e., excluding the Northern Territory (523,620 square miles).