Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/456

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26,678; Congregationalists, 6,203; Baptists, 4,801; other Protestants, 18,189; Roman Catholics, 56,616 ; Catholics (Greek and undefined), 5,754 ; other Christians, 1,736; Jews, 1,790-; Mahometans, 1,517; Buddhists, 1,795; other non-Christians, 748; indefinite, 1,555 ; no religion, 1,260; not stated, 9,689.


Of the total white population of 15 years and upwards in 1911, 1 "07 per cent, were stated to be unable to read. Education is compulsory and free.

The following table shows the average cost per head and attendance in Government schools and in private schools in three years : —

No.of Schools

No. of Scholars

Av. Attendance

Cost per Head of av. Attendance

Oovernment Schools 1917 1918 1919

Private Schools 1917 1918 1919

646 667 680

123 127 124

47,654 48,431 47,314

11,484 11,619 11,939

41,034 42,839 41,012

10,097 10,322 10,322

£ s. d. 6 6 4* 6 7 2} 6 12 7*

Education is free throughout from the kindergarten to the University and comprises ample provision also for secondary education, technical schools, continuation classes, scholarships, etc. During the financial year ended June 30, 1920, the total sum spent on education and schools, in- cluding a grant of 13,500J. to the University of Perth, was 427, 830Z.

Justice and Crime.

The following table gives the number of offences, apprehensions, and convictions for five years : —


1914 1916 1917



Apprehended or summoned Summary convictions Convictions in superior courts

17,879 . 15,454 ' 11,885

16,849 13,595 10,535

84 W 55







The total number of distinct persons committed to prison in 1919 was 825; the number of commitments totalled 1,540 — viz.; adult males, 1,273, adult females, 267.

All the above figures are exclusive of aboriginal crime.

Pauperism and Old Age Pensions.

There are two charitable institutions, one situated at Claremont, and one at Freinantle, both supported by public funds, with 677 inmates on December 31, 1919. Twenty-four Government hospitals, also a Government sanatorium for consumptive patients, at Wooroloo, and two hospitals for the insane, are wholly supported by public funds, as is also a depot for diseased natives at Port lledland, whilst three public and twenty- eight other assisted hospitals exist, partly supported by private sub- scriptions and partly out of public funds, in addition to the numerous