Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/464

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The total police force on June 30, 1920, was 239. There were 2 gaols, with 69 male and 3 female inmates at the end of June, 1918.

Old Age Pensions.

Old Age and Invalidity Pensions are paid by the Commonwealth Government. The number of pensioners in Tasmania at March 81, 1920, was : Old age, 5,012 ; Invalid, 1,971 ; War (June, 1919), 7,783.

Revenue and Expenditure.

The revenue is derived chiefly from duties, licences, railways, and other public services, and from the rental and sale of Crown lands. The customs, postal and telegraph, and defence services are now in the hands of the Commonwealth, and an amount equal to 25s. per head of population is returned to the State.

Revenue . . Expenditure .


£ 1,238,085 1,235,514


£ 1,369,368 1,412,893


£ 1,503,047 1,459,748


£ 1,581,984 1,644,512


£ 1,815,031 1,828,301

The public debt of Tasmania amounted June 30, 1920, to 17,003,447/., of which 33 per cent, has been spent on railways, 6 per cent, on hydro- electric works, and 30 per cent, on roads and bridges. The railways earned 2*2 per cent, on their capital, which bears an average interest of 3f per cent.

State taxation amounts to 21. 16s. Id. per head, of which income tax- provides 26s., land tax 8s. 2d., death duties 4s. 8d., lottery and total isator taxation 7s. 8d. Land and income taxes and death duties are also collected by the Commonwealth, averaging 3Z. 17s. 3d. per head, and customs and excise of Al. 2s. 3d. per head. The Commonwealth contribution to the State revenue represents about 40 per cent, of the customs and excise collected on account of the State.


For defence, see under Commonwealth of Australia.

Production and Industry.

The total area of the colony is 16,778,000 acres, including 1,206,500 acres islands and lakes. Unalienated land, principally heavily timbered or mineral-bearing, amounts to about 8,500,000 acres.

Total production in 1919-20 l—

Agricultural ami pastoral


Manufacturing (output less law material )


Value I'd bet d

£ 5,509,066 1,301,090 2,653,417


6-0 11*2

