Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/467

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Area and Population.

The Northern Territory is bounded by the 26th parallel of south latitude, and the 129th and 133th degrees of east longitude. Its area is 523,620 square miles. The area alienated at the end of 1916 amounted to 744 square miles absolutely ; 166,143 were held under leases and licences; and the remainder, 356,733 square miles, was unoccupied. The coast line is about 1,040 miles in length. The Territory possesses many fine rivers and several good harbours, the principal harbour being Port Darwin, where Darwin is situated. The greater part of the interior consists of a tableland rising gradually from the coast to a height of about 1,700 feet On this tableland there are large areas of excellent {jasturagc. The southern part of the territory is generally sandy with a small rainfall, but it can be watered by means of artesian bores. The climate is tropical, but varies considerably over the whole Territory. The proximity of the sea in the north keeps it fairly equable in the coastal region, but further south the climate is of a continental type, showing a great variation between the hottest and coldest months.

Population. —The population, excluding aborigines, has varied as follows: —





1911 (Census)

1916 (31st Dec)

1919 (31st Dec.)

Europeans 670 1,144 1,055 1,418 3,839

Others 2,781 3,754 3,756 1,892 928

Totals 3,451 4,898 4,811 3,310


Of the 1911 Census total 576 were females. At the end of 1914 there were 1,033 Chinese, 77 Japanese, 86 Malays and Filipinos, and 72 of other races, including half-castes. In June 1918, Asiatics in the Territory numbered 1,177. The aborigines are estimated to number about 20,000, but it is possible this a an under-estimate.

The tribes inhabiting the Northern Territory are Larakaya and Worgait at Port Darwin, Melville Island Tribe, Port Essington Tribe, Djanan Tribe at Katherine Creek, Yangman Tribe round Elsey Creek, Mungarai Tribe along the upper part of the Roper River, Nullakun Tribe middle part of the Roper River, and the Mara Tribe south of the Roper River.


The revenue and expenditure for 6 years were as follows : —


1913-14 1914-15 1915-16

£ 73,657 B8,0M 97,180

Expenditure 1



1917-18 1918-19

Revenue Expenditure 1

102,980 101,4*3 139,541

1 Includes Commonwealth expenditure in connection with Port Augusta Railway.

The chief sources of revenue for the year ending June 30, 1919, were the Customs and Excise, 7,210/. ; Railways, 45,725/.; and Postal revenue, 10,323/. The chief items of expenditure (excluding interest, loans, &c.) were as follows: — Buildings, roads, bridges, farms, ice, 20,971/.; interest and sinking fund, Port Augusta Railway, 85,748/. ; railways, 39,080/. ; salaries and contingencies, 182,579/. The Commonwealth is also liable for interest on loans and redemption, in respect of Northern Territory and the Port Augusta Railway. The deficiency for the year was 357,760/.