Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/471

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Atbertii (L. M. d'), New Guinea. 5 voU. London, 1880.— Journal of the Brpdrtion on the Ply River. 8ydney, 188T.

Beaver(Vf. X). Unexplored New Guinea. London, 1919.

Bevan(1.. md Discovery in British New Guinea London, 1890.

Burnett (K aand Papua. London, 1911.

Chalmer, (J.I P neer Life end Work in New Guinea, 1S77-1994 London, 18*5.

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Ha<Wo»(Dr.>. Head Hunters— Black, White, and Brown. Cambridge, 1902.

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Macfrepor (S:r W.). Report of Journey across New Guinea. London, 1S9S.— British New Guinea. London, :

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Jfor««b|((Capt. J.). New Gulneaan 1 Polynesia. London, 1876.

Hurra i (J. H. P.), Papua, or British New Guinea. London, 1

Socton (H), In Par New Guinea. Loudon. 1914.

Pratt (A El Two Tears among New Guinea Cannibals. London, 1906.

Romillf (H. H). From ray Verandah in New Guinea. London, 1889.

SeligiMM, The Melanestans of British New Guinea.

Steviirt't Handbook of the Pacilic Is'ands S'.-dney, 1918.

Williamton , R W ). 1 ir Mifulu Mountain People of British New Gun*. London 1 .—The Ways of the South 3ea 8arage. London, 1914.


(Late German Niw (»0inba.)

German New Guinea was the name given to all those territories held by Germany in the Western Pacific which were governed from Rabaul, the capital of these possessions. It included : Kaiser Wilhelni's Land (acquired in 1384), Bismarck Archipelago (acquired in 1884), The German Solomon Islands, Nauru, the Caroline Islands, the Marshall Islands, and the Marianne or Ladrone Islands (excepting the Island on. mm\ The Possessions were territories protected by the German Imperial Authorities (Sehutzgebiete). There were no local legislators, and the Governor appointed by the Imperial Crown was all powerful. These Possessions were occupied by an Australian Force on September 12, 1914. The islands north of the Equator, nainelv. the Marshall, Caroline, Pelew, and Ladrone ( Marianne) Islands are to be admin- istered by Japan as mandatory. Those south of the Equator, namely, the Bismarck Archipela-o, those of theSolomm Islands, formerly owued by Germany, and (late) German New Guinea, are assigned to Australia. (German Samoa is assigned to New Zealand.) The mandate from the League of Nations is dated December 17, 1920. The laws of the Common- wealth, subject to local modifications as necessary, may be applied to the mandated territories. The military training of the natives, except for local police or defence purposes, is prohibited, and no naval or military base or any fortifications may be established.

Nauru, a small islet just south of the Equator, is assigned to the British Empire as mandatory (see p. 439).

German New Guinea was divided into seven districts, each controlled by a District Officer, with certain judicial powers, as follows : Rabaul District, comprising New Britain and adjacent islands ; Morobe, Madang, and EiUpe on the mainland of Kaiser Wilhelni's Land ; Kieta, which includes the German Solomons ; Manns, which includes the Admiralty Islands and the archipelagos adjacent, and Kaewieng district comprising a portion of New Ireland, &c. The Headquarters of the Administration were at Rabaul.