Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/476

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The Cabinet (October, 1920) is as follows : —

Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Railways, Mines, Stamp Duties, Land and Income Tax, State Advances, Electoral and Imperial Government Supplies.— Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey, P.C.

Minister of Nativo Affairs, Labour, Customs and Marine, Pensions, In- spection of Machinery, and National Provident Fund. — Hon. G. J. Anderson.

Attorney-General, Commissioner of Stale Forests, Minister in Charge of Valuation Department, and Leader of Legislative Council. — Hon. Sir Francis Bell, K. C.M.G., K.C.

Member of Executive Council without Portfolio. — Hon. Sir W. Fraser, Kt. Bach.

Minister of Lands, Lands for Settlement, Discharged Soldiers' Settlement, Scenery Preservation and Repatriation. — Hon. D. H. Guthrie.

Minister of Agriculture, Immigration, in Charge of Tourists and Health Legislative Departments. — Hon. W. Nosworthy.

Minister of Public Works, Postmaster-General, Minister of Telegraphs, in Charge of Public Trust, Roads, Public Buildings, and Government Life and Accident Insurance Departments. — Hon. J. G. Coates.

Minister of Justice, External Affairs, in Charge of Industries and Commerce, Police, and Prisons. — Hon. E. P. Lee.

Minister of Education, Public Health, in Charge of Hospitals and Charitable Aid and Mental Hospitals Departments. — Hon. 0. J. Parr, C.M.G.

Minister of Internal Affairs, in Charge of Printing and Stationery, High Commissioner 's, Audit, Museum, Registrar-General, Census and Statistics La boratory, State Fire Insurance, Advertising and the Friendly Societies. — Hon. D. Stewart.

Minister of Defence, and War Pensions. — Hon. SirR. H. Rhodes, K.B.E.

Member of Executive Council representing Native Race, Minister in Charge of Cook Islands. — Hon. Dr. M. Pomare, C.M.G.

Each member has a salary of 1,300/., with the exception oi the Prime Minister, who has 2,6001., and Minister representing Native Race, 1,100/., with House Allowance of 200/. if no Government residence is provided.

Department of the High Commissioner in London : —

High Commissioner. — The Hon. Sir James Allen, K.C.B., 415, Strand, W.C. 2.

Local Government.

For purposes of local government New Zealand is divided into counties and boroughs. The counties are subdivided into ridings. County councils are empowered to constitute road districts on petition being made. Besides the road districts, which are very numerous, there are town, drainage, electric supply districts, and water supply districts and river, tramway, and harbour boards.

The. ratepayers in the road districts of a county are qualified as electors for the purposes of the county council, and the members of each road board are elected by the ratepayers of the district.

Area and Population.

There are two principal islands, the North and South Islands, besides Stewart Island, and small outlying islands, including (since 1901), the Cook and some other islands in the Pacific Ocean. The group is 1,000