Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/552

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Orleans, Philadelphia, Portland (Oregon), New York, San Francisco, Savannah, St. Louis, Portland (Maine), Kansas City, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Providence.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the United States.

1. Official Publications.

Statistical Abstract of the United 8tates. Washington. Annual.

The official publications of the United States are in general issued by the Government Departments and Bureaus concerned ; the Department of Agriculture,the General Land Office, the. Census Bureau, the Department of Commerce and Labor, the Treasury, the Department of the Interior, the Geological Survey (Statistical Department), the Mint, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Post Office, the Navy Department, the War Department, the Bureau of Education.

Statistical Atlas of the United States. Published by Census Bureau. Washington, 1915.

Geography, Travel, Exploration. Descriptive Government Publications, many illus- trated. Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, 1914. - — Eslirnated Valuation of National Wealth, 1850-1912. (Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census.) Washington, 1915.

2. Non-Official Publications.

American Labour Tear-Book. New York. First issue, 1916.

American Foreign Policy. Based upon Statements of Presidents and Secretaries o State ot the United States and of Publicists of the American Republics. Washineton, 1920.

Abbott (L.), America in the Making. New Haven and London, 1912.

Adams (C. F.), The Monroe Doctrine. Boston, 1914.

Adam$ (Henry), History of the United States of America. 9 vols. New York and London, 1891.

Avery (E. M.), A History of the United States and its People. Vols. 1-7. Cleveland and London, 1908 and 1912.

American Statesmen Series. About 88 vols. Boston, 1880-1907.

Bacon (C. W.), The American Plan of Government. New York. 1916.

Baedeker'* United States with Excursions into Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska 4th ed. Leipzig, 1909.

Bancroft (George), History of the United States. New ed. 6 vols. 8. London, 1882.

Bassett (J. S ), A Short History of the United States. New York, 1918.

Beard (Mary R.), A Short History of the American Labour Movement. New York, 1921.

Bingham (Hiram), The Monroe Doctrine : an Obsolete Shibboleth. London, 191S.

Hotton (A. E.), and Marshall (T. MA The Colonization of North America. London, 11*20.

Brawley (B. G.), A Short History of the American Negro. New York, 1918,

Brown (James Scott), The United States of America: A Study of International Or- ganization. Oxford, IHL'O.

Bryce (Viscount), The American Commonwealth. 2 vols. Newed. London, M] 1.

Ghanning (K.), The United States of America, 1765-1865. London, 1896.— A History of the United States. Vols. 1-4. New York, 1905-17.— Channing (B.) and Hart (A.B.), Guide to tho Study of American History. Boston, 1895.

Cleveland (F. A), Organised Democracy. An Introduction to the Study of American 1'olitics. New York and London, 1913.

Collins (C. W.), The National Budget System. New York, 1919.

Coman (Katharine). Economic. Beginning! of the Far West. New York, 1912.

t'onoin (Kdward S.), The President's Control of Foreign Relations. Oxford, 1917.

Croly (H.t The New American Progressive Democracy. New York, 1916.

Dewey (I). R.), Financial History Of the United States. London. 1902.

Dunlop (W ), A History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. New Edition by !'. W. I'.aylev and Clms. E. Godspeed. Boston, 1918.

Dunning (W. A.), The British Empire and the United States. London, 1914.

Epochs of American History. 8 vols. Revised ed., 1905.

d'KslourndUi </<• Constant (Baron P.), Lss Etat-Unis d'Ainerique. Faris, 1913.— English Translation, ' America and ber Problems.' New York, 1915.