Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/558

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The population in four census years was :-

Years ! Population Per Sq. Mile | Years

Population | Per Sq. Mile

1890 88,243 0-8 1910 1900 122,931 1-1 1920

204,354 333,273



In 1910 the population by race and sex was : —



Asiatic j Indian



100.871 70,597

1,054 955

16.049 14,228

18,574 85,780

Total . . . .



1,676 29,201


In 1910, 48,765 were foreign born, of whom 3,500 were English, 29,987 Mexicans, 2,666 Canadians, and 1,846 Germans. Of the total population in 1910, 31 '0 per cent, was urban.

The order of strength of religious bodies is : Roman Catholic, Latter-day Saints, Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregationalists.

School attendance is compulsory for children between the ages of 8 to 16 years during the entire school term. Instruction is free for children from 6 to 21 years of age. The enrolled pupils in 1919-20 in the grade and high schools was 73,546, and there were 2,175 teachers. Two public normal schools at Tempe and Flagstaff had 685 students in the year 1919-20. Total expenditure for elementary and high schools 1919-20 was 6,339,288 dollars. The State University of Arizona, at Tucson, founded in 1891, had 107 professors and 860 students in 1919-20. There is a State Agricultural School also at Tucson.

Charity. — The State has reform and industrial schools and 11 penal and benevolent institutions. On January 1, 1910, the number of paupers in almshouses was 271, being 132'6 per 100,000 of population, and of prisoners in penal institutions 645, being 315*6 per 100,000 of the popula- tion. There were 539 patients at the State Hospital for the Insane for the year ending June 30, 1920.

Finance. — Revenues are derived mainly from the general property tax levied on all property not specially exempted. The revenue and expendi- ture in the year ending June 30, 1920, were : —

Dollars Balance in hand July 1, 1919 . . . . 74,326

Receipts, 1919-20 8,747,419

Total Disbursements, 1919-20

. Balance, June 30, 1920

8,821,745 6,847,091


The bonded debt, June 30, 1920, amounted to 2,991,925 dollars. The net value of taxable real and personal property amounted to 884,455,682 dollars for 1920.