Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/567

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of Public Instruction. In 1919 the 3,200 public elementary and the 90 high schools had 6,920 teachers with 192,000 enrolled pupils. Public school teachers are trained at the State Teachers' College, which in 1918-19 had 70 teachers and 2,025 students. Another State normal school has been established at Gunnison, having in 1919 33 teachers and 991 students. Total expenditure on education (1918) 10,938,566 dollars. For superior education there are several colleges. Colorado College, founded in 1874 at Colorado Springs, had 72 professors and 595 students in 1918-19 ; the University of Colorado, opened in 1877 at Boulder, had 249 professors and 2,172 students. The University of Denver, founded by Territorial Charter in 1864, had 76 professors and teachers and 680 students ; the Chamberlin Observatory in University Park stands at sn altitude of 5,280 feet above sea-level. There are also an Agricultural College, at Fort Collins, with 91 instructors and 1,199 students, and a School of Mines with 34 teachers and 232 students.

On January 1, 1910, the number of paupers in almshouses was 510, being 63*8 per 100,000 of the population, and of prisoners in penal institutions 1,230, being 153*9 per 100,000 of the population.

Finance, Defence, — The revenue and expenditure for the 2 years ending December 1, 1920, was as follows : —

Dollars On hand December 1, 1918 . . . 8,090,804 Receipts in 1918-20 31,248,058

Total Receipts 39,338,862

Disbursements in 1918-20 28,973,531

Balance Dec. 1, 1920 .... 10,365,331

The State debt on November 30 : 1920 was : 4,187,800 dollars. The assessment valuation for 1920 amounted to 1,590,267,667 dollars.

The militia, called the National Guard, with its headquarters at Denver, consists of one regiment of Infantry, one troop of Cavalry, one battalion of Field Artillery, one company of Engineers and the headquarters and supply section of an engineering train, Signal outpost company ; authorised strength of 1920, 1,859 men, actual enlisted strength on November 1, 1919, 53 officers and 1,153 men.

Production and Industry. — The number of farms in 1910 was 46,170, with a total area of 13,532,113 acres, of which 4,302,101 acres were improved land. The value of all farm property in 1910 was 491,471,806 dollars. By irrigation large portions of the State have been brought undet cultivation. The Federal Government is now carrying out two reclamation projects affecting 193,000 acres. The chief crops are wheat (22,821,000 bushels in 1920), oats (8,058,000), maize (17,450.000 bushels), barley, potato**, and great quantities of hay. Fruit and vegetables are widely cultivated. Within the State stock-raising is older than husbandry; on January 1, 1921, the number of farm animals was : 403,000 horses, 30,000 mules, 272,000 milch cows : 1,220,000 other cattle, 1,973,000 sheep, 325,000 swine. The wool clip in 1919 yielded 8,983,000 pounds of wool. The national forests in the State have an area (June 30, 1919) of 13,280,832 acres.

Colorado has great mining and smelting industries, coal and the ores of the

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